Today in History:

1127 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


of the authorities of Texas, and in case it should be necessary for the troops of Texas to cross without delay in pursuing the offenders or savages, the authorities of the frontier will not oppose their passage, of the effect of which corresponding notice will be given at the earliest be threatened or invaded by malefactors or savages, the authorities of the frontier will observe the same rules as are laid down in regard to Texas.

4th. It the persons who in passing from the State of Texas into that of Tamaulipas should not have a passport, as ordered in Paragraph II of the orders of the 25th instant, he will be detained, if he is not known, until found out who he is and what occupation he has; and should the result of the investigation show that his object is to disturb the peace in either of the two States, or to interfere with the actions of their authorities, it will be immediately reported to the military commandancy,to enable them to give such orders as they may see proper.

5th. The persons who may be arrested with stolen stock, whether it be from Texas or Tamaulipas, will be taken up and sent to this city, with all antecedents.

6th. From hence the military authorities will proceed to the investigation of the place of concealment of the effects stolen from the Confederate train last year. In order to obtain the best possible results, they will holds counsel with the authorities of the frontier of Texas, to whom all the stolen goods which may be recovered will be returned. The persons in whose houses said effects are found will be arrested and sent to this place.

7th. The military authorities will watch over the judicial employes, and see that they perform faithfully their corresponding parts of the dispositions contained in the decree of the 25th instant; and should they be neglectful, they will be reported to the military commandancy of the State, to be dealt with as may be thought proper, and, if their negligence should arise from complicity, they will be arrested of the state, to be dealt with as may be thought proper, and, if their negligence should arise from complicity, they will be arrested and sent to this city, with all the antecedents. The communication of these instructions to the military authorities will be made officially to the chief authorities and military commands of this frontier under their charge, and the secret agreement must be read to all commanders of picket guards and detachments of troops and to those who act as military commanders of towns on the frontier, in order to enable them to proceed in regular order with their execution.

The secret agreement will also be transcribed in this office, and for the civil authorities of the frontier, advising them at the same time to lend their co-operation to the military authorities in everything they may require to enable them to carry out the orders of this commandancy more effectually.

Liberty and reform.


Political Chief and Mil. Commander of the Dept. of the North.

MATAMORAS, February 28, 1863.

Fort Brown, March 10, 1863.

To this Excellence DON ALBINO LOPEZ,

Governor of the State of Tamaulipas:

SIR: It has become my duty earnestly to invite Your Excellency's special attention to the conduct of the consul of the United States resident