Today in History:

1128 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez

Page 1128 W. FLA.,S. ALA. S. MISS. LA. TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.

in Matamoras, in its bearing on the declared neutrality of Mexico in the war pending between the Confederate States and the United States.

Some months since he appointed commissioned to raise recruits for the Army of United States, within the Mexican territory, and, having furnished the forces thus raised means and covered them with the flag of his Government, incited them to commit rapine and murder on this side of the border, when, as Your Excellency is well aware, much injury and mischief was done to the Confederate States and its loyal citizens.

More recently he has been actively engaged in endeavors to seduce from their allegiance soldiers under my command, and has caused the desertions of many, whom he is harboring in Matamoras, with the design of shipping them or employing them on this frontier as soldiers in the service of the United States.

It is gratifying to believe that these grievances, so far as Mexican citizens are concerned, have been suppressed through appropriate orders promptly issued by Your Excellency; but his tampering with my troops is an existing evil already great and threatening to increase. It is carried on by this consul through facilities of official position, and on Mexican soil, in derogation of that neutrality which he is bound to respect. Your Excellency will, I trust, see the propriety of informing yourself of the facts (transpiring under the eyes of your own police), and of correcting the wrong without delay.

With a view to remedy this evil as far as possible, and to preserve peace and harmony on this frontier, I have the honor to request that such of the refugees from the Confederate States now in Matamoras as shall appear to have virtually enlisted in the Army of the United States shall be refused shipment to any foreign port, and that they be sent into the interior of Mexico, and be constrained to reside at a distance not less than 30 leagues from the frontier of Texas.

I have also to request that Your Excellency will cause all citizens of the Confederate States and others who may have crossed the Rio Grande since the 28th ultimo, and now in Matamoras, without permits from the proper authority, to be returned to this side of the river for examination.

With sentiments of high consideration, I am, Your Excellency's obedient servant,

H. P. BEE,

Brigadier-General, Provisional Army.



Brigadier General H. P. BEE,

Commanding Western Sub-District of Texas, Fort Brown:

GENERAL: Acts of great importance to the security and good harmony of both frontiers have transpired lately, and compel me to address you.

Day before yesterday some individuals belonging to the forces under your command threatened a Mexican lighter; threatening to fire on the captain if he did not come ashore; and having done so, a person named Maddock [Maddox] was forcibly taken out of it, and is still a prisoner at the mouth of the river. One of the solderers belonging to Captain Santos Benavides' company having crossed to the village of Laredo and

Page 1128 W. FLA.,S. ALA. S. MISS. LA. TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.