Today in History:

1126 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez

Page 1126 W. FLA.,S. ALA. S. MISS. LA. TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.

from the time of its formation to the time of our arrival at Camp Moore. I therefore include it in this report. I have given it as my opinion at the outset that this climate is the great cause of the diseases now prevalent in this brigade, connected with my reasons for so believing, in a few words.

I hope you will not consider that I have acted improperly in forwarding this report to you.

I have witnessed with sadness, for the past six or eight weeks, the speedy weakening of he strength of this command, and I feel it my duty as brigade surgeon to give you my opinion as to the cause, effect, and remedy. It is my candid opinion, judging the future by the past and present, that the health of this command will not improve in this climate before the last of November.

I know no reason why this brigade should not regain its former health and strength if taken to some point north of this, to which is is acclimated.

This report embraces only the non-commissioned officers and privates. The sickness among our commissioned officers is much larger in proportion. This brigade will not average a commissioned officer to the company. There are only two field officers in this brigade, and both of them indisposed.

I believe this army is here in obedience to orders of superior officers, not by any request of yours; and hoping for the god of the sick and suffering Kentuckainas and Alabamians and others in your command, you will endeavor to have us moved to some point north of this, for which I believe you will use your best exertion,

I remain,your obedient servant,


Surgeon First Brigade, Second Division.


The military command of the State of Tamaulipas, War Dept.:

In order to carry out strictly the commands of the orders dated the 25th instant, and also to obtain the purposes sought, this commandancy, by extinguishing the germs of the organizations still existing in this State, with a view to commence hostilities against Texas, has decreed that the military authorities of the frontier proceed in accordance with the following instructions:

1st. They will apprehend all whom the public accuses of belonging to the suspicious band of Zapata, and those who have the reputation of being vagabonds or who live by stealing.

2nd. The Mexican troops and those of the State of Texas will assist one another in the pursuit of those who intend to pass from one side of the Bravo to the other. The respective commanders will exchange such communications as they deem necessary for their purposes, and in case the forces of one of the States are insufficient to achieve the required result of the persecution, they shall be re-enforced by the other nation, and should it be indispensable for the troops of one or the other government to cross the Rio Brave without loss of time in order to follow the malefactors or savages, the corresponding notice will be given to the nearest military authority.

3rd. Consequently, if the Mexican forces are insufficient to prosecute the criminals who organized on this frontier for the purpose of commencing hostilities against Texas, they will ask the necessary assistance

Page 1126 W. FLA.,S. ALA. S. MISS. LA. TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.