Today in History:

1058 Series I Volume XXXVI-I Serial 67 - Wilderness-Cold Harbor Part I

Page 1058 OPERATIONS I N SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter XLVIII.

May 19.-Quiet on our part of the line. Toward evening Ewell undertakes a movement against the enemy's right, accomplishing, however, little save some information of the enemy's position. Kershaw is sent to occupy his trenches during his absence. Kershaw returns on the morning of the 20th.

May 20.-Quiet. Ewell's front reported to be uncovered.

May 21.-Ewell moves to our right and takes position along the Po. During the day the enemy is ascertained to be retiring from A. P. Hill's front. We prepare to move. Move in the afternoon by Dickerson's to the Mud Tavern, and thence down the Telegraph road, Ewell preceding us. Hill takes a western road. The supply trains and heavy baggage wagons moving via New Market, Chilesburg, and Island Ford. We march all night, halting on the Telegraph road at 3 a.m. on the 22nd. After two hours' rest the march is resumed. The head of our column reaches the North Anna at 12.15 p.m. May 22. Corse's and Kemper's brigades, Pickett's division, join us; Barton with Hill's column temporarily. Troops are put in bivouac on the south side of the North Anna.

May 23.-Enemy reported advancing down Telegraph road. Our line is formed. The guard on the north side of the river is driven across. In the afternoon we sustained a severe cannonade, and have a chimney knocked over our party. At night the line is somewhat retired. Pickett report to Hill.

May 24.-Day occupied in examining and improving the line. Rodes posted on our right, and at night Early and Gordon sent to his right. During the night the line is straightened by cutting off the angle near Law's brigade.

May 25.-Enemy strong in our front, and manifesting disposition to extend to our right. Skirmishing in front.

May 26.-Lines unchanged. In the afternoon the enemy advances skirmishers on Law's and Ramseur's brigades, and is driven back. Wofford's and Bryan's skirmishers are also pressed.

May 27.-Early this morning the enemy is ascertained to have left our front and moved back across the river. The trains are at once sent back across South Anna by Ellett's Bridge. The troops march by the Fredericksburg railroad. Pickett's division moves with Hill, and joins us at night. We move by Ashland and encamp between the Half Sink and Hughes' Cross-Roads.

May 28.-Move early for Atlee's Station, or rather ordered to move early, but we are greatly impeded by the Second, which is on the same road and is ordered to move at the same hour. Order of march: Field, Kershaw, and Pickett. We go into bivouac between Hundley's Corners and Walnut Grove Church.

May 29.-Morning quiet. In the afternoon the enemy is reported advancing, and the troops are put under arms. Field is partly moved out, but returns and sends two regiments to fill with skirmishers the interval between Early's corps and Breckinridge.

May 30.-Early extends to the right and attacks the enemy's left with Pegram's brigade. Pickett starts to support the movement by going through the breast-works, but soon abandons it, and is put on Early's left. Field on his left and Kershaw on the left of the corps.

May 31.-Kershaw is taken out of line, and about 3 p.m. is sent to relieve the right of Early, the whole of whose corps is finally relieved by us, he taking our intrenchments. Kershaw moves down toward Gaines' Mill in the endeavor to connect with Hoke. Pickett takes the right of Early's old line, and Field is put on his left. Hoke on the extreme right.

Page 1058 OPERATIONS I N SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter XLVIII.