Today in History:

81 Series I Volume XXIV-II Serial 37 - Vicksburg Part II


tery had several men wounded, and had nearly used up all its ammunition, and yet from orders received by me had to be kept in position. The McLendon Battery lost several men and horses, and were exposed to such a heavy fire as to render the use of their guns exceedingly hazardous. I sent Captain T. B. Sukes, the assistant inspector-general, to inform Major-General Loring of the state of affairs, and learned through him, on his return, that both General Loring of the state of affairs, and learned through him, on his return, that both Generals Buford's and Featherston's brigades were moving off to the rear, and that I was directed to bring off my brigade in the rear of General Featherston's. The enemy were pressing us closely at the time, so that I deemed it best to move off by the left flank through the fields rather than by the right down the road, and by so doing induced the enemy to believe that I was moving to the left. I thus deceived the enemy and avoided any serious pursuit. After moving a little more than a mile, I received an order from the major-general to leave my artillery, move out of the regular line, and take position in front of General Featherston's brigade. The march was continued in this order for the next twenty-four hours, during which time made about 40 miles.

It is proper to mention that in assuming the SECOND line of battle, about 1. 30 o'clock, one section of the McLendon Battery was ordered to the rear, as there was no position for it, and that Lieutenant [F. W.] Merrin, commanding, made his way with it first across Baker's Creek, and finally with that portion of the army on the left to Vicksburg. The guns of the other section under Captain Jacob Culbertson, as well as those of Cowan's battery, were abandoned, by order of the major-general commanding, during the first night's mach, moving to the impossibility of taking them over the roads we were forced to follow.

Captain Culbertson brought off his horses, harness, and men; Captain [J. J.]Cowan did the same, but on the march he and all his men left the command and have not been heard from since. The forced march from the battle-field to Crystal Springs, to Rimes' Ferry, and thence to Jackson, was over rough, stony roads, and made by men much worn down by fatigue and many of them barefooted.

Under these circumstances it is not at all surprising that many of them broke down, straggled, and some doubtless were picked up by the enemy.

Accompanying this report you will find a paper,*marked A, containing a list of the killed, wounded, and MISSING.

In closing my report, I cannot omit my commendation of the way in which the officers and troops of this brigade behaved. The officers, one and all, behaved well, so much so that I cannot particularize any without being invidious. The troops were in fine spirits, and I have never seen any more anxious to meet an enemy.

I am much indebted to Captains Ellis and Sykes, the adjutant and inspector general of General Tilghman's staff, for the prompt and efficient aid given me on the field, who, notwithstanding the gloom cast over them by the death of their chief, promptly reported themselves to me for duty, and by their gallant conduct are entitled to the gratitude of their country.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, commanding Brigade.


Assistant Adjutant-General.]


*Not found.
