Today in History:

32 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 32 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

CAIRO, ILL., February 1, 1863.

Major-General ROSECRANS, Murfreesborough, Tenn.:

Have sent your dispatch to the admiral. The vessels now under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Fitch to co-operate with you are the Lexington, Fairplay, Brilliant, Saint Clair, Silver Lake, and Bobb.


Fleet Captain, and Commandant of Station.

CLARKSVILLE, February 1, 1863.

General W. S. ROSECRANS:

Rebels on opposite side of river, 12 miles above, said to be 3,000 strong. Steamer Prairic Rose, from Saint Louis, with commissary stores, is here waiting for convoy. I have recovered good amount of stores, which were shamefully abandoned at foot of Shoals, on north side of the Cumberland.


Colonel, Commanding Post.

MURFREESBOROUGH, February 1, 1863.

Colonel JOHN T. CROXTON, La Vergne:

I started courier a short time since, with reply to your dispatch of 5 a. m. The general commanding directed me to inform you that, as General Davis left Eagleville this morning for Franklin, he deemed it expedient for your force to return to La Vergne. I inclosed an order to that effect, to General Steedman, for you to forward. The line is now open to you, and I send this to expedite the matter. Please forward it to General Steedman.

By order:


Assistant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff.

MURFREESBOROUGH, February 1, 1863.

Colonel CROXTON, Commanding La Vergne:

Dispatch from General Steedman just received from Mill Creek, near Nolensville, announcing intention of making reconnaissance in direction of Franklin. Colonel Goddard has already informed you of General Davis' movements in that direction, via Eagleville. The reconnaissance of General Steedman should be rather in the direction of Brentwood or Lane's Store, with view of ascertaining where the enemy have gone. The "several" thousand spoken of does not probably exceed four. Inform General Steedman of this dispatch, and that he is to be governed by it.

By command of General Rosecrans:


Lieutenant and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

GALLATIN, February --, 1863.

Lieutenant F. S. BOND:

I sent a report, two days ago, about the expedition. Twelve boats were destroyed a skirmish was fought, several horses secured, &c. To-

Page 32 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.