Today in History:

132 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


timber in my front was occupied by the enemy's advanced pickets. I drove them out, and emerging from the timber we saw the long lines of very substantial earth-works stretching all along the base of Kenesaw Mountain, while lighter fortifications were thrown up on the intermediate ridges between the timber and the main line. By order of the commanding general I deployed my division in two lines, resting on the right of the Marietta dirt road, along which we were advancing (General Gresham's division, of the Seventeenth Corps, formed abreast of me on the left of the road.) We intrenched the line we occupied along the edge of the timber, placing batteries at suitable points and connecting on the right with the Sixteenth Corps. The heavy rains which set in at this time considerably retarded operations and no material changes were made in the respective positions of the troops between June 11 and June 13. On that day I received your order to make a feint at noon, and availed myself of that opportunity to dislodge some rebel infantry intrenched in front of my left (Third Brigade). These headquarters had been annoying the artillerists and infantry in my main works considerably. While the whole of my line were to advance their skirmishers at the hour indicated, and the artillery opened on the enemy's works, Colonel Wangelin, commanding Third Brigade, was ordered to assault the aforesaid rifle-pits in his front. Lieutenant-Colonel Kaercher, Twelfth Missouri, and Lieutenant-Colonel Gage, Twenty-ninth Missouri, led the attacking party, and carried the enemy's pits successfully in spite of the severe musketry and shelling which greeted them. Colonel Wangelin, without delay advanced his whole line to the position just gained and reversed the enemy's works. The Second and First Brigades followed on the right, and thus our whole line was advanced about 400 yards. This success was won with but small loss on our side. The gallant Colonel Gage (Twenty-ninth Missouri) and Major Lubbers (Twenty-sixth Iowa) were both wounded in the shoulder, but have recovered and done good service. This episode was succeeded by a period of monotony, lasting till June 19. During the night preceding the night preceding that day my pickets reported indications of a retrograde movement on the part of the enemy, and kept on the alert, so that when toward morning the rebel pickets fell back, ours followed them up in musket-range. We found the strong line of the rebels at the foot of Kenesaw Mountain evacuated, and our troops occupied the works. In following up the enemy, however, it was found that he had only fallen back about a mile into a second line of works running all along the crests of the Kenesaws and on the slopes east and west, thus protecting the town of Marietta, about three miles in their rear. I was ordered to remain in reserve of the Second Division (which had the advance), and encamped in the intrenched lines just evacuated by the rebels. On the 20th of June, in pursuance of orders received, Colonel Williamson's (Second Division, where he intrenched himself. This position was in the direct front of rebel batteries placed on the very summit of Big Kenesaw, and exposed to their plunging fire. Between the right of Colonel Williamson's line and the railroad, which here runs through a gap in the mountain, was a considerable interval (the lines of the Sixteenth Corps commenced on the other side of the railroad), consequently on the 21st of June I ordered General Woods to occupy said interval with his brigade. In order to resist the artillery fire