Today in History:

32 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


barricades. General Logan placed some batteries of his command in position, and quickly silenced the enemy's guns. Immediately the main lines were moved forward and the ridge carried. As soon as the Fifteenth Corps had been formed, witht he right across the Resaca road, one divisijn of General Dodge's was brought up and deployed farther to the right. In this position the army intrenched; artillery was located bearing upon Resaca and the railroad bridge. When these guns opened in front of General Logan and Dodge the effect upon the enemy was perceptible, and interruption of the railroad trains occasioned. This position, thus commanding the enemy's pricipal line of commauniction, rendered his stay at Resaca impossible unless he succeeded in dislodging our army. During the 14th several demonstratins and feints were made by the command to keep the enemy from re- enforcing his right, where there was evidently a battle going on. General Logan says:

General Ostrhaus took advantage of the feint to attack the enemy's skirmishers in the heavily wooded valley near the road. This was done in the most gallant manner. The bridge over Camp Creek was carried, and the Twelfth Missourin Infantry thrown forward into the woods previously occupied by the enemy, thus forming a living tete-de-pont, which in the ensuing movement proved of great value.

This movement referred to, was an assault made by General Logan's troops, aided by a division of General Dodge, between 5 and 6 p. m. of the same day, on an advanced position held by the enemy ad within close musket-range of his lines. The description of the assault by General Logan is graphic and of great interest. The brigades of his corps specially engaged were commanded by Brigadier Gens. Cahrles R. Woods and G. A. Smith. After gaining the position, exposed to a galling infantry and artillery fire, the troops were disposed so as to hold the ground. Pioneers and intrenching tools were brought into play as usual. About 7.30 p. m. the enemy made a vigorous assault upon the new line, and was handsomely repulsed. A renewal of the attack was anticipated, and lest the enemy's lines should outflank the troops then in position, General Lightburn is highly complimented for his promptitude. Nearly 100 prisoners were captured. Loss of the enemy, some 1,500 killed of General Sweeny, of the Sixteenth Corps, to Lay's Ferry, with instructioons to effect a lodgment on the opposite bank of the Osstenaula nad cover the laying of a pontoon bridge, under direction of Captain C. B. Reese, chief engineer of the department. He moved to Lay's Ferry as directed, pushed across one brigade, which, in conjunction withthe artillery in position on the west side of the river, promptly dislodged the enemy from the opposite bank, but hearing a rumor that the enemy was attempting a crossing above him to cut him off from the main army, the division commandier withdrew everything to the wsest side and retired half a mile to a less exposed position. The next morning he moved back to the river, and this time threw over his division, constructed a bridge- hesad, nd laid a pontoon bridge, under the direct supervision of Colonel Buell. Not having received a report from Generals Sweeny or Dodge, I am unable to give a specific account of the engagement that succeeded