Today in History:

2 Series I Volume LIII- Serial 111 - Supplements

Page 2 Chapter LXV. S. C., S. GA., MID., & E. FLA., & WEST. N. C.

Seabrook; our negro guides had formerly belong to Mr. Mattis and had escaped from his plantation but a night or two previous. I examined them separately, adn finding that they agreed in their estimate of the number and station of the reble picket, it was agreed, after consultation with the officers who acompanied me, to endeavor to capture them the next morning before daylight. For this purpose I divided the force under my command into three parts, directing Captain Schieffelin, with one of the negro guides, to proceed by a ciruitous route to the rear of the hose in which it was supposed the guard was quartered. The contersing was given and a signal agreed upon at with Captain Rambo should advanced from the front the front, surrounding the house, and, if possible, secure the inmates. If he failed in this and the rebels retreated, Captain Schieffelin was ordered to cut off their tretreat in the direction of Willtown. The third part of the force was held as a reserve at the boats. Waiting some twenty minutes after Captain Schieffelin had started, I advanced with Captain Rambo's party, having first thrown out two scouts with instruction to overpower the sentinel at the door as soon as the signal to advance was given. Passing through a gateway I stopped to post two sentinels and give them their instructions, I regairing the main body just as it had received a volley of musketry, resulting as I have already stated. This volley proved to have come from the party in charge of Captain Shieffelin, who explains it by sayling that he came to a broken bridge, which he fixed in order to cross; that after he had crossed he observed two men approaching; that he challenged, and that instead of answering they turned around; he then directed his men to fire. The scouts who were in advance say they hear no challenge. They are both wounded, and from the position of their wounds would seem to have their backs to the fire.

I am, captain, veryour most obedient servant,


Lieutenant Colonel Forty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers.


MARCH 30-31, 1862.-Affairs on Wilmington and Whitemarch Islands, Ga.

Report of Colonel Rudolph Rosa, Forty-sixth New Yourk Infantry.*

TYBEE ISLAND, GA., April 3, 1862.

GENERAL: In accordance with your orders I arrived at the swimming battery, Montezuma, near Decent Island, on the evening of March 29, 1862, with a detachment of two commissioned officers and thirty men of the Forty-six New Yourk. Shortly after my arrival Lieutenant Serviere, having effected the relief of the men in the guard boat near Hunter's farm, reported that he had been shot at repeatedly by about thirty rebels near Gibson's farm, without the shot taking effect. On the following day, with four commissioned officers and seventy-five men, I made a reconnaissance on Whitemarsh Island, landing at Gibson's and marching thence on land to Turner's farm. From there we were recalled by shots, and found that the small stern wheel steamer had shown herself near to our boats in Oatland Creek, and had returned after being fired at the boat's guard. I then went again across the island to MacDonald's farm, and returned without meeting the enmey. The topographical result will be embodied in a little sketch. In returning I heard that by the lieutenant left in command of the Montezuma leave had been given to Dannenfelser and two men to go with a


* See also VI, p. 121.


Page 2 Chapter LXV. S. C., S. GA., MID., & E. FLA., & WEST. N. C.