Today in History:

142 Series I Volume XLIII-I Serial 90 - Shenandoah Valley Campaign Part I

Page 142 OPERATIONS IN N.VA.,W.VA.,MD., AND PA. Chapter LV.

The morning following the battle of Winchester our troops moved forward, and that afternoon reached Strasburg, two miles beyond which the enemy was found in position at Fisher's Hill.

Some skirmishing occurred on the 21st, and, during the afternoon of the 22nd, an assault was made, which resulted in the complete rout of the enemy, and his broken army was pursued to Woodstock, a distance of twelve miles. The pursuit occupied the entire night, and the troops did not bivouac until about 4 o'clock the following morning. Fortunately, the casualties on the march were few, while those wounded in the assault were collected in the field hospitals. Anticipating a battle on the 21st each infantry corps was directed to establish a field hospital in the vicinity of Strasburg. Aware that the troops had then been one day without rations, and being informed that no forward movement could be made until rations could be issued, the hospitals were allowed to remain and orders were given to the chief medical officers of divisions to be prepared to send their wounded to the rear. By the afternoon of the 23rd all were comfortably loaded in an empty supply train and sent to Winchester. At Strasburg and Woodstock a few Confederate wounded were found, destitute of all supplies and unable to bear transportation. These men were attended by their own surgeons, who were furnished with all the necessary medical and subsistence stores. We arrived at Harrisonburg on the 25th, where there were several Confederate hospitals, containing 335 sick and wounded, attended by five Confederate medical officers. The surgeon in charge reported that he was in need of subsistence and a few essential medicines, all of which he was at once furnished with. One hundred and thirty-five sick and wounded were selected, who could bear transportation without injury, and sent to Winchester by a returning subsistence train. The medical officers here seemed to have some regard for hygienic principles in and about the hospitals, and their patients were probably as comfortable as they could make them with their restricted means; but at every other place, from Woodstock on, where Confederate wounded were collected by their own surgeons, the most extreme filth and positive indications of neglect were seen.

After the battle of Winchester the cavalry acted, to a great degree, independently, and their wounded in the several skirmishes were retained in ambulances and sent to Winchester when opportunity offered. The army made no important movement up to October 6, when a retrograde march was commenced. The enemy's cavalry followed us. On the 9th, near Woodstock, our cavalry attacked and routed that of the enemy, driving him a distance of twelve miles. Our loss was very slight, and all the wounded were sent to Winchester the following day. We moved to Cedar Creek on the 10th and took up a strong line of battle, with the apparent object of remaining there to wait for the developments of the enemy.

Immediately after the battle of Fisher's Hill, our base being changed to Martinsburg, Actg. Asst. Surg. E. Ohlenschlager, U. S. Army, acting medical inspector, was ordered there to take charge of the transportation of the wounded, who were sent to that place as fast as they could bear transportation, and for this purpose advantage was taken of every returning train. The wounded were loaded in wagons, bedded with hay or straw, without crowding, and a large number of blankets were sent with them, as well as stretchers for some of the most severe cases. The wounded in these trains were fed and dressed on their arrival at Martinsburg, and were fed and dressed on their arrival at Martinsburg, and were then placed in cars which were sent to Frederick or Baltimore.

Page 142 OPERATIONS IN N.VA.,W.VA.,MD., AND PA. Chapter LV.