Today in History:

913 Series I Volume XII-II (Supp.) Serial 17 - Second Manassas Part II (Supplemental)


back to Manassas from that place, I learned was nearly reached, if not quite, on Friday the day of the battle, by the troops moving from Groveton west, and from the fact that the enemy's force had moved to the south on Saturday, and turned our left on that day. These movements by these two divisions of my corps, my own movements, and the movements of the enemy, give me the belief that troops could move through the country comprised between the Warrenton turnpike and the Suddley Springs road and the road from Bethlehem church to Gainesville. I will mention, further that that country is a mixture of woods, cleared ground, and hills, and that it is easy for troops to march without being seen or seeing the enemy.

Question. Does the country which you have just described include that over which General Porter was required to march in obeying the order of 4.30 p.m. from General Pope to attack the enemy?

Answer. Yes, sir. I would say that I do not know that order by that hour.

Question. Please state the ground on which you formed the opinion that if the accused had attacked the right wing of the rebels, as he was ordered, the battle would have been decisive in our favor.

Answer. Because on the evening of that day I thought the result was decidedly in our favor, as it was. But admitting that it was merely equally balanced, I think, and thought, that if the corps of General Porter, reputed one of the best, if not the eight batteries, had been added to the efforts made by the others,the result would have been in our favor very decidedly.

Question. Was there anything beside mere advantage in numbers from which that result would have followed?

Answer. And position.

Question. What particular advantage in position was there?

Answer. The position in which that force would have been applied, while the main body was so hotly engaged in front, would have been an additional powerful reason for so supposing.

Question. When the accused said to you that he could not go in anywhere there without getting into a fight, did he or not appear to be averse to engaging the enemy?

Answer. I cannot say that it made that impression on me though, in giving my answer. I took the view that he did so imply, and made the remark; but I did not think he was averse to engaging the enemy. I mean by that was not seriously a question with me, for when I left him I though he was going to engage and would engage the enemy.

Question. Had General Porter taken part in the action of August 29,would you not have been likely to have known it?

Answer. I heard that he did fire some artillery, and I did not hear his fire; so that he might have gone into action without my knowing it at that time, because, where I was, there was a great deal of noise; and the noise that his engagement might have made might have been in a direction which would have confounded it with other noise.

Question. Up to what hour did the battle continue on that day, and how long was your command engaged in it?

Answer. It continued till after dark, or continued to such an hour in the evening when you could see the flash rather than the smoke. Of my command, part of King's division was actively engaged to the front for, I should think, something like an hour- it may have been more-before the battle terminated. I speak of the active collision. After my division got up, it was marched and countermarched, which caused it to lose some time before it could be applied. I ha ordered it to go to the left of Reynolds' division, and it moved in that direction. Then orders came from General Pope turnpike, after what I was informed was the retreating enemy.

Question. Please indicate, as nearly as you can upon the map, the point on the Gainesville and Manassas road at which you left the accused