Today in History:

958 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 958 Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA.

RICHMOND, VA., December 14, 1864.

Colonel J. C. IVES,


SIR: You will proceed to Charleston and report to General Beauregard. Your familiarity with the defenses and localities now threatened by the enemy will be of service to him. You will keep me advised from there, either by telegraph or mail, of what is transpiring it that quarter.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


HEADQUARTERS, Numbers 9. Savannah, December 14, 1864.

* * * * * * *

III. Major-General Wheeler is charged with the defense of the line east of Screven's Ferry Causeway and along New River to Hardeeville. Reports connected with the defense of that line will be made to these headquarters, and also to Major-General Jones, commanding on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad.

By order of Lieutenant-General Hardee:


Assistant Adjutant-General.

HARDEEVILLE, December 14, 1864-6. 45 p. m.


There are a good many of the enemy on Argyle Island; several hundred can be seen. They are running all the rice mills on the island. I intended to go down and attack them all along the line with artillery and sharpshooters to-morrow. I will not be able to do much if you take away the section your ordered me to send back; it was six miles off when I got the order, but it is coming back, and will leave here by 10 o'clock, unless you permit me to retain it for two days. We skirmished a little to-day. The enemy were at Chisholm's plantation, two miles from railroad bridge. I could use twelve pieces to great advantage to-morrow if I had them. Answer.



CHARLESTON, December 15, 1864.

Colonel JOHN B. SALE,

Military Secretary, Richmond:

My service not being longer needed in this department. I shall leave this evening for Willmington and resume my command. Sherman has opened communication with his new base by the Ogeechee. The means to meet him to go exceed one-half the estimate in yours of the 7th instant. Notify Mrs. B. of my return, and wish for her and Major Cuthbert to join me in Wilmington, the latter temporarily.


Page 958 Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA.