Today in History:

70 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah


Blair near Ogeechee Church, I caused a feint of crossing the Ogeechee to be made at Flat Ford. Some men were thrown over in boats, but no bridge was laid. General Sherman detained General Blair near Station Numbers 4 1/2 for the Left Wing to come up. December 6, reconnaissances were made toward Wright's Bridge and the bridge at Eden Station (Jenks' Bridge) with a view to saving them, if possible. Colonel Williamson's brigade, of General Woods' division, reached the former in time to save much of the timber, but all the planking and several of the trestles were already burned. He, however, constructed a foot bridge and crossed over a small force, whitoward the railroad. A small detachment went as far as the Twenty-Mile Station, and returned skirmishing all the way. This brigade skirmished considerably with the enemy near night. Colonel Oliver's brigade, of Hazen's division, made the reconnaissance to Jenks' Bridge, but found the bridge destroyed. I sent an officer (Lieutenant Harvey) with a select party to strike the Gulf railroad, but he found the bridge across the Cannouchee burned, and the approaches were guarded by rebels, so that he was compelled to return without doing the work. Another party also sent to try for a point higher up the Cannouchee for the same purpose was not yet heard from. December 7, my command moved as follows: The First Division (General Woods) remained at Wright's Bridge, except one brigade of infantry that crossed the foot bridge and marched down the east bank of the Ogeechee toward Eden Station. On the arrival of the pontoon at Jenks' Bridge, the chief engineer (Captain C. B. Reese), finding the enemy on the other bank, threw over a regiment of Colonel Oliver's brigade and cleared the way. The bridge was immediately laid. General Corse's division had arrived by this time. One brigade (General Rice commanding) crossed over, met the enemy's skirmishers some 500 yards beyond, drove them in, and routed a battalion of rebels behind rail piles in a very handsome manner, capturing 17 prisoners and killing and wounding several more. He lost 2 killed and 2 or 3 wounded. This brigade them formed a junction with General Woods' brigade from Writht's Bridge, at Eden Station. General Hazen's division moved on to Black Creek, sending forward Colonel Oliver's brigade to the Cannouchee. The rest of the corps was encamped near Jenks' Bridge. The Seventeenth Corps encamped in the vicinity of Station Numbers 3, ceasing to destroy the railroad after leaving Ogeechee Church. December 8, by the map there appeared to be a road between the Big and Little Ogeechee Rivers. As the enemy was reported in some force near the Twelve-Mile Post, having a line of works in his front, I resolved to turn his position by sending two divisions of Fifteenth Corps down the west bank of the Ogeechee, which were to force a crossing of the Cannouchee and send forward sufficient force to break the Gulf railroad and secure, if possible, King's Bridge, over the Ogeechee, about a mile above the railroad; also, to reconnoiter with one division between the Ogeechee Rivers. The movement on the right bank led; General Osterhaus, in person, conducted it with his First and Second Divisions. I accompanied General Corse, who found a good ridge road on the left bank of the Big. Ogeechee. We came upon some carefully constructed works some three miles and a half from Station Numbers 2, but they were abandoned. The road was obstructed with trees at several points, but the obstructions were so quickly removed by the pioneers that the column did not halt. On reaching the Savannah Canal we found the canal bridge burned. A new one was made in less than half an hour. The Ogeechee bridge near the canal's mouth, called Dillon's, was almost