Today in History:

26 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 26 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

First Division.

[November. -During the past month this division has marched from Cave Spring, Ga., to this point (near Millen, Ga.), starting November 15 from White Hall, Ga., with the expedition of General Sherman against some, as yet unknown, point in the Southern Confederacy; distance marched thus far about 200 miles. The division has been engaged in destroying parts of the railroad from Macon to Augusta, as well as the line from Savannah to Macon.

November 22. -Part of the division (Second Brigade) was attacked by three brigades of Georgia militia near Griswoldville, some ten miles from Macon. The enemy were repulsed and left the field with dead and wounded in our hands. Loss on the Union side was 13 killed, 69 wounded, and 2 missing. Enemy's acknowledge loss, 614.

December 1. -This division was beyond Scull's Creek, Ga., and on the march.

December 10. -Reached position in rear of Savannah on the right of the Ogeechee Canal.

December 11. -Moved at night to the right, and connected with General Corse's (Fourth) division, Fifteenth Army Corps, with left on the main road from Savannah to King's Ferry.

December 21. -The army entered, this division marching in on the King's Bridge road; took position on the south side of the city.

First Brigade, First Division.

November 1. -The brigade left its camp at Cave Spring, Ga., marching, via Powder Springs, to Smyrna Camp-Ground, near Vining's Station, Ga., at which place we remained in camp six days. Received pay and drew clothing.

November 13. -Marched, via Chattahoochee River railroad bridge, through Atlanta to White Hall.

November 15. -Took up line of march on East Point road, passing via Rough and Ready, McDonough, and Clinton, striking the Savannah and Macon Railroad near Griswold, Ga., destroying about three miles of railroad and burning a bridge, marching the next day toward Gordon and Irwinton, and is yet on the march at this date near the railroad, on Deep Creek, in Emanuel County, Ga. Troops in good health and fine condition for the march.

[December.]-Being on the march on the 1st of the month, we continued the march to the Ogeechee River.

December 10. -Crossed the river and marched along the canal which runs from the Ogeechee to the Savannah River. Filing right we struck the King's Bridge road seven miles from Savannah, where we remained from the 13th to the 21st, taking up a position in front of the enemy, near Owen's Bridge, on the plank road, putting up works and having one regiment occupying the works supporting a battery. During that time the Twenty-seventh Missouri Infantry was ordered to report to Major-General Howard, and has been on duty at doctor Cheves' rice plantation, on the Ogeechee River.

December 21. -It was found that the enemy had evacuated Savannah on the previous night, and the brigade marched inside the inner works about 10 o'clock. The Seventy-sixth Ohio is now on duty as provost guard. The Twenty-seventh Missouri Infantry has been removed from the Ogeechee River and now garrisons Forts Rosedew and Beaulieu, on Wassaw Sound.

The brigade lost no men during the month in action. Health of the troops good. We are now inside the works, one mile from the city.

Page 26 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.