Today in History:

978 Series I Volume XLII-I Serial 87 - Richmond-Fort Fisher Part I

Page 978 OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LIV.

expressed to Lieutenant Davenport, that any questions which I desired to have you answer might be placed upon paper in some specific form. Will you please state, therefore -

First. What was them number of the garrison of Fort Fisher on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of December last, designating the regiments or battalions?

Second. What portion, if any, of the regular garrison of the fort had been sent south?

Third. What reserves or co-operation [force] were there, if any, and how near to the fort were they?

Fourth. What, if any, force was at Wilmington at that time?

Fifth. Please give the day of the week or month when you first became aware of the presence of the Federal fleet either of transports, or of naval vessels, and what vessels did you observe first.

Sixth. At what time did any re-enforcements either from the Army of Northern Virginia or elsewhere reach Wilmington or its neighborhood?

Seventh. How near did the powder-boat which exploded come to the fort?

Eighth. Were you in the fort at that time?

Ninth. Was the powder-boat observed, and, if so, what, if any, was the effect of the explosion?

Tenth. At the time of the explosion of the powder-boat how many men were there in the fort?

Eleventh. What was the effect of the naval fire of the first day upon the fort?

Twelfth. How many and what guns did it dismount or disable?

Thirteenth. Please state whether or not, and, if so, how much of the damage done to the fort by the fire of the navy was repaired during the night.

Fourteenth. By reason of the cessation of bombardment at night were you not able to rest and recruit your garrison?

Fifteenth. At the time of the landing where was the supporting force, if any, to the fort?

Sixteenth. Were there any re-enforcements brought into the fort between the time of the explosion of the powder-boat and our landing? If so, please state what and when.

Seventeenth. At the time our skirmish line was deployed before the fort what was the condition of the guns and defenses upon the land side as to efficiency for defensive purposes?

Eighteenth. In view of the condition of the fort and its garrison, would it have been possible with either 3,000 or 6,000 men to have taken the work by assault? (NOTE. - In answering this question please give as many of the details for the reasons you may give as possible.)

Nineteenth. Please state whether with a force holding the beach, from the nature of the ground and from the configuration of the channel of Cape Fear River, it would have been possible for the Confederates to have re-enforced or provisioned the fort to any extent.

Twentieth. How did the strength of the garrison at the time of the first attack compare with the strength of the garrison at the time of the second attack?

Twenty-first. In view of the condition of the weather immediately following the demonstration of the 25th of December, and in view of the force that might have concentrated upon the peninsula, as well above as below the place of landing, would it in your judgment have been

Page 978 OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LIV.