Today in History:

115 Series I Volume XL-I Serial 80 - Richmond, Petersburg Part I


Question. What kind of fire was it, artillery or musketry?

Answer. Both. I would call it a moderate fire. I do not think the heavy fire commenced until after 8 o'clock. I think we had fire there from their mortar batteries.


Major GEORGE M. RANDALL, Fourteenth New York Heavy Artillery, being duly sworn, says to questions by JUDGE-ADVOCATE:

Question. Were you in or about the crater on the 30th of July, and what was your command?

Answer. I was in the crater, and was acting aide to General Ledlie.

Question. In what formation did your division go forward?

Answer. It went forward as I should judge by the flank. They did not go forward in solid column as we expected they would do.

Question. Do you know any reason why they did not?

Answer. No, sir.

Question. Were you near the head of the column, or were you among the first that got into the crater?

Answer. I was about the second line. I was ordered by General Ledlie to go forward with the advancing column.

Question. Had you an opportunity of observing why the troops halted in the crater?

Answer. Yes, sir. I saw the Fourteenth New York and the Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery pass through the crater and occupy traverses in rear of the fort. And the they remained.

Question. Were efforts made to urge them forward according to the plan?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. And at a time, too, when they were not in disorder?

Answer. They were very much in disorder when they arrived at the crater. That was just the difficulty. If the regiments had been in their proper placed when they arrived at the crater we would have taken the crest of the hill, but they were scattered, and it was impossible to get any of the regiments together. Colonel Robinson and myself attempted to get them forward, but could not do so.

Question. While this was going on was there a fire of any account from the enemy?

Answer. No, sir; there was not much when we first advanced in there.

Question. Please to state in your opinion what it arose from.

Answer. I cannot tell exactly. I suppose it was because when the mine exploded they were so much excited, for when the mine exploded they hardly knew what they were doing. It appeared to be the opinion of all who were there that immediately after the explosion one good regiment in solid column could have gone forward without any difficulty. But we were in there only a short time when the enemy opened on our right and left.

Question. Was the division commander present during this confusion?

Answer. Not in the crater.

Question. It is your opinion that this hesitation affected the result of the action?

Answer. Yes, sir.