Today in History:

79 Series I Volume XXXIV-II Serial 62 - Red River Campaign Part II



Member of Congress, Washington:

SIR: Permit me to call your attention to the necessity of additional legislation by a law or declaratory resolution of Congress that the Missouri State Militia should be entitled to the same bounties, pensions, and other emoluments as are paid by existing laws and orders to other volunteers. I have had the honor to have had under my command during the past twenty months about an equal number of each class of these troops, and I shall do great injustice to the militia if I did not bear witness to their loyalty, bravery, and efficiency in the field. They have not been outdone by their companions in arms in the other branches of the military service in the Army of the Union.

A large number of disabled soldiers, and widows and orphans of those who have proved their devotion to their country by giving their lives for it, are now dependent on the charity of the people for sufficient bread and clothing to sustain life, without a hope or prospect that their Government will recognize their valuable services by such legislation as will assure to them a support in their helpless condition. Numerous cases of this character have been reported to me, and it is a daily occurrence that some of this class supplicate the charity of the Government for bread. You so fully understand this matter and the need of immediate action, so that the necessary evidence of service and disability may be placed on record, that this reference to it will be all that is required to enlist for it the co-operation of yourself and your colleagues in an effort to the proper recognition of the deserts of these deserving people.

I am, sir, very truly, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding.

GENERAL ORDERS, HDQRS. DIST. OF CENTRAL MISSOURI, No. 2. Jefferson City, January 14, 1864.

I. In accordance with Special Orders, No. 7, current series, headquarters Department of the Missouri, the District of Central Missouri is hereby extended so as to embrace the counties of Jackson, Cass, Bates, and the northern part of Vernon.

II. The sub-districts of the District of Central Missouri as heretofore existing are hereby discontinued, and the district is resubdistricted, and, until further orders, will be commanded as follows:

1. The First Sub-District will be composed of that portion of the District of Central Missouri east of the Second Sub-District; headquarters at Jefferson City; Colonel George H. Hall, Fourth Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, commanding.

2. The Second Sub-District will comprise the counties of Saline, Pettis, Benton, and that portion of Hickory north of the northern line of Dallas County; headquarters at Sedalia; Colonel John F. Philips, Seventh Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, commanding.

3. The Third Sub-District will embrace the counties of La Fayette, Johnson, Henry, and Saint Clair; headquarters at Warrenburg; Colonel James McFerran, First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, commanding.