Today in History:

935 Series II Volume VIII- Serial 121 - Prisoners of War


He is unwilling to testify to what he knows unless Campbell and others will do likewise, as he fears and dreads being despised and called a traitor by his friends. He was not willing to accompany me to Washington or make a deposition until certain that Campbell--a model of all the virtues with him--would do the same. He promised to join me on my way North with Campbell and I am perfectly satisfied--indeed, I know, as far as it is possible for me to know anything--that he will do so.

You need not apprehend that he cannot be found when wanted. I have more reasons than I need trouble you with for knowing that he may be depended on.

On leaving Key I proceded as directly as possible to Wilmington, where after much running and trouble I found Snevel. The latter is very bitter against Davis and his leaders and is exceedingly anxious to give his testimony and procure that of others to convict him. He (Snevel) has been ruined by casting his fortunes with the rebellion, andhopes, I imagine, to retreive some of his losses by becoming a loyal citizen and a witness for the Government. He is very intimate with Campbell and boasts of much influence over him. As he appeared recluctant to go to Washington without otehrs to corroborate his statements I proposed that he should accompany me to New Orleans for Campbell, not that I believe his influence will be necessary (although possibly it might) to induce Campbell to become a witness, but principally because I do not with to lose sight of him. he isnow without business and without money,and might in my absence accept an engagement which would carry him beyonjd our reach. he assures me that he knows of two other persons in Maryland who will make important wintesses. I trust that my proceedings in regard to him will meet your approbation. I have nto been able so far to pick up anything more damaging to Clay. Ineed, I wish to get one case up first.

Owing to the destruction of many railroads in this part of the country I have been obliged to make roundabout courses and ride back and forth many miles in hacks. From Wilmington I started for New Orleans, intedning to go via Florence, Kingsville, and Augusta, but on reaching Kingswile I was astonished to find that the cars proceeded no farther and that the remainder of the distance to Augusta would have to be traveled in hacks. Being near Columbia and anxious to visit some acquaintances in that city and believing I could do so without loss of time or extra expense I proceeded to that point, from which I telegraphed you, determined to make for New Olrenas via Orangeburg and Charleston. Here I arrived yesterday evening. The whole distance from here to New Orleans can be traveled by rail, except about 50 miles which must be made in hacks. I propose to proceed thither the moment Ihear from you and receive the necessary furns. Over some of the railroads I was obliged to pay fare, there being no quartermaster at hand to furnish me with transportation, and it being less expensive as well as saving time to pay fare rathger than to wait the return of the quartermaster and pay board. Board and lodging at the South is at a very high figure, being charged for at rates far exceeding that of the Washington hotels. Travelers are outrageously imosed on at every step, the excuse for the extravagant charges being the scarcity of provisions, &c. For these reasons my fund is reduced to a fe4w dollars and I shall require more before proceeding on my business. When I left Washington I had strong expectations of finding all the witnesses named at or near Richmond and believed that I had more money than sufficient to enable me to secure them; therefore I took the liberty of sending $50 of the amount received from you to my family, knowing that they would need some during my absence. I have economized as far as possible, and have kept a minute account of my expenditures which I am confident you will approve.

I have set my heart upon producing witnesses and testimony sufficient to convict Davis and Clay andwith what Ihave alreadys ecured AI am sure that I shall succeed. The statement that Snevel makes to me is even stronger than that made to me (and repeated to you) by Campbell, and there is not the slightest doubt of my securing the latter. I have telegraphed briefly the result of my proceedings and requesting the necessary funds, and shall be momentarily expecting the needful instructions, &c., to enable me to fully accomplish my undertaking.

In haste, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


From Charleston, S. C., on the 6th of September, 1865, he sent me the following telegram:

Brigadier-General HOLT, Judge-Advocate:

Do answer my dispatch of the 4th instant. Has it been received? It is very important to the Government that I be instructed and enabled to proceed on my mission immediately. I hope the receive answer by or before evening.

Direct W. E. Harrison, Charleston Hotel, not being prudent to be known here udner my own name.