Today in History:

58 Series I Volume XXVI-II Serial 42 - Port Hudson Part II

Page 58 W. FLA.,S. ALA.,S. MISS.,LA.,TEX.,N. MEX. Chapter XXXVIII.

Captain Phillips is from Virginia. This appointment gave great satisfaction at first, but Captain Phillips being a disciplinarian, as soon as this regiment was marched toward Louisiana to meet the late invasion of Banks, and when it had got out of reach of these headquarters, it mutinied, and refused to serve under Captain Phillips, who is from another State, and he proceeded, with one company, to report to Lieutenant-General Smith, to whom I have written, asking that he will support Captain Phillips for his merit and for the sake of discipline.*

I have no doubt Lieutenant-General Smith will pursue that course, and that in a short time the regiment will be reduced to subordination.

Another regiment of this brigade was ordered, and has gone to, Louisiana, and a third, with the small surplus battalion, is ordered and now ready to protect the wheat region of Texas against a contemplated invasion from Kansas and the Indian Territory.

I recommended Gov. J. R. Baylor to be the brigadier-general of this brigade, because he raised it, was popular with it, and I thought would be more likely to command it successfully than any one else. He had also conducted himself with great propriety when relieved from the control of it by the Secretary of War, and had behaved gallantly as a private at Galveston.

I have not heard the result of my application, made over five months ago,and the brigade being without a general, and some of the regiments being conveniently posted to be moved into Louisiana, Cols. J. Phillips' and George W. Baylor's regiments were ordered to report to the commanding officer in Louisiana.

Under present circumstances, I respectfully recommend Colonel P. N. Luckett, now colonel of the Third Texas Infantry, to be appointed brigadier-general of the Arizona Brigade; this brigade to be assembled in Louisiana or Texas by Lieutenant-General Smith, as the state of affairs may require.

Colonel Luckett is an officer of talent, for a long time a citizen of Texas, and was educated at West Point. He was there at least for several years, and will make a good general. This will complete the organization of that brigade.

Soon after my arrival here, Sibley's brigade was ordered to Louisiana. By completing the organization of regiments, battalions, and companies, and those in progress of organization, I raised my command to about 14,000 men.

In order to meet Banks, 4,694 men were ordered to Louisiana to the assistance of Major-General Taylor, which leaves my command now about 9,500 strong, but scattered over an immense space.

By reference to the map of the North American Continent, it will be seen that the sea-coast of Texas is equal in extent to that from the Capes of Virginia to Massachusetts, and that the area of this State is equal to that contained in the States of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, and Ohio. It must also be remembered that there are but few and short railroads in the State, and that she is threatened at all times with invasion from all her inland frontiers, as well as from her coast; that she produces yearly almost enough breadstuffs and meat to supply the whole Confederacy, and that for her warlike, though somewhat unruly, population, for her military resources, as yet undisturbed, and for her prestige in war, she may be almost looked upon now as the Trans-Mississippi Department, for all commanders on this side of the Mississippi send


*See Phillips to Turner, June 11, 1863, p. 45.


Page 58 W. FLA.,S. ALA.,S. MISS.,LA.,TEX.,N. MEX. Chapter XXXVIII.