Today in History:

60 Series I Volume XX-I Serial 29 - Murfreesborough Part I


Huhn, of the One hundred and eighth, and sent word to him to follow me as reserve, and take position on a place to the left of our regimental camp, but by mistake the order was not communicated verbally, so he took position on the extreme right, and soon was in close contact with the rebels. The position he took was good, but I could not thereby accomplish my intention of charging the enemy at the point of the bayonet. By this time the two other regiments of infantry (One hundred and sixth Ohio and One hundred and fourth Illinois) formed in line, and the action began to become very lively. The enemy opened his batteries, throwing a great mass of shells and canister. Our artillery took position on the left of our line, and opened on the enemy. Soon the line of skirmishers, which protected our left, fell back behind the artillery, by which movement the artillery was exposed and soon disabled. My battalion held its position firmly for about one hour, when the commander of the brigade waved a white handkerchief and surrendered. Our left wing broke, and I came pretty near being outflanked. I now changed front toward our right, from which direction the enemy came rushing in on the Hartsville road. Under a heavy fire, the enemy demanded my surrender, which I denied; but soon I was compelled to fall back to a small creek, on the right of the Hartsville road, where I made another stand. By this time the enemy had full possession of our camps, Colonel Moore having surrendered before I knew anything about it. The position I held on the creek above mentioned I soon found totally surrounded by the enemy. Here I was demanded the second time to surrender, and, seeing that I could not accomplish anything with the small force which was left to me, I finally consented to the demand.

My command numbered, besides myself and my adjutant, 4 captains, 7 lieutenants, and 400 enlisted men. (The rest of the officers were disabled by sickness to take part in the action.) They all showed a bravery and gallantry unexpected for new troops. The arms which were used by my command were the Austrian rifle, an army totally worthless,and condemned on different occasions, the locks of said guns having springs of so weak construction that many of the men had to snap the cock three or more times before the piece would discharge. The men also were provided with ammunition a good deal too large for the pieces; the caliber of the guns .58, and that of the ammunition .54. Notwithstanding these calamities, the men stood like veterans, and most of them fired 20 to 25 rounds. Our loss was 66 killed, wounded and missing.*

Your most obedient servant,


Captain, Comdg. One hundred and eighth Regiment Ohio Vol. Infty.


No. 12. Report of Captain Joseph Good, One hundred and eighth Ohio Infantry.

The battle commenced at 6.30 a.m. The first notice I had of the enemy approaching I heard, "Company, fall in." I ran to my company parade-ground; ordered my men to fall in; formed my company in


*But see revised statement, p.45.
