Today in History:

59 Series I Volume XXII-II Serial 33 - Little Rock Part II


commissary of the regiment or command to which the party arresting belongs, for distribution as public stores.

III. In accordance with general orders already issued from the War Department and Department of the Missouri, it is ordered that all contraband stock taken from the enemy be turned over to the brigade quartermaster, who shall brand, take charge of, and have the same used as Government property. Every head of cattle taken by any officer or soldier shall immediately be reported to the quartermaster, who will keep an account, which shall indicate the exact place where taken, description, and name of owner, or, if unknown, shall so mark it; and said books shall indicate whether vouchers have been issued or money paid for them, and the amount,and the brigade commissary,in the absence of a properly authorized contractor, shall have such stock turned over to him by the quartermaster, for beef, as needed.

IV. The brigade forage-master and regimental quartermaster shall keep an account of all forage taken by foraging parties, or taken into their regiments; said accounts will indicate where taken, and for what voucher or pay have been given. No foraging party shall leave camp save in command of a commissioned officer, who shall not permit the men to straggle, and who shall be held accountable for the conduct of his command. He will, on his return, hand in an account of forage taken to these headquarters, to be in writing, certified by him.

V. All citizens shall be kept out of camp until permission has been given them to enter. They will be stopped by the pickets and detained there until the provost-marshal be apprised of their presence, names and business.

VI. Commanders of regiments, battalions, and batteries will see that all the men of their respective commands, reported for duty, and at the time in camp, are present at drill and parade. Company drill, 10 o'clock; battalion drill, 11 o'clock; dress parade, 4 o'clock; regimental school of commissioned officers, 7 to 8 o'clock, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays, company school of non-commissioned officers, 7 to 8 o'clock, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays; Sundays, inspection and dress parade in the afternoon; no drill. These schools are enjoined to give their earliest attention to all the details of guard duty.

VII. Commanders of regiments and battalion are ordered to report the number of horses for duty in each company, and no others are to be supplied with forage.

VIII. On the request of commanders of regiments, an additional wagon or wagons shall be sent out for forage food for refugees,to be issued to them by the forage-master, in quantities that shall insure of its not being wasted.

By order of William A. Phillips, colonel commanding:


First Lieutenant and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Camp Curtis, Ark., January 15, 1863.

I. It is ordered that the senior white officers in any company of an Indian regiment be held fully accountable for the getting out of details, roll-calls, drills, and for the performance of every other duty as commanding officer; and each company of such regiment shall at once be put in such a condition as shall insure greater promptitude in reporting details. This order is not be constructed as relieving any Indian officer of any duty is capable of performing.