Today in History:

761 Series I Volume XXXI-II Serial 55 - Knoxville and Lookout Mountain Part II


of his regiments arrested their approach. The enemy advancing up the hill, continued to oblique rapidly to the left; so I was compelled to move by the right flank to meet them. They advanced in columns of regiments and fought stubbornly, coming within 20 yards of my line. They were again repulsed with heavy loss and fell back in the greatest confusion some distance beyond the foot of thee ridge. In this attack, the First Arkansas regiment took some 20 prisoners and 2 stand of colors.

I could now see heavy columns of infantry approaching Ringgold by way of the railroad bridge. After a considerable delay, about 12 m., the enemy commenced moving a column rapidly by the left flank on a road running some 200 yards from the foot of the ridge. I again moved by the right flank and watched their movements. Having moved by the left flank some half mile, the enemy by a rapid movement threw their line in a column of regiments and advanced up the hill. They were again met by the same stubborn resistance that before repulsed them. General Lowrey coming to my assistance with one of his regiments, I had it moved in rear of my line until the enemy had advanced within 40 yards of my line, when I ordered it up in line with First Arkansas Regiment, and at same time throwing Second Tennessee down the hill upon the left flank of the enemy, they were again driven back to the foot of the hill in great confusion.

The enemy still continued moving over the railroad bridge in heavy column, and about 1 o'clock commenced moving rapidly to our right in two columns, one coming direct from the railroad bridge and the other moving some 300 yards beyond the foot of the ridge. This being reported to General Cleburne, he ordered my command to withdraw and take a position some 2 miles to the rear of Taylor's Ridge. This move was made in perfect order. The enemy did not advance upon Taylor's Ridge until we had taken our position 2 miles to the rear.

We remained here until 9 o'clock, when leaving our bivouac fires brightly burning, we moved to Tunnel Hill.

In this fight the officers and men all acted with the greatest bravery. Colonel Robinson, Second Tennessee, was slightly wounded in the arm, and Lieutenant-Colonel Martin, First Arkansas, in the leg. Lieutenant-Colonel Cole, Fifth Confederate Regiment, was, I fear, mortally wounded.

A correct list of casualties has been furnished from my brigade.

My thanks are due to all the members of my staff for services rendered.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,



Captain IRVING A. BUCK, Assistant Adjutant-General.

Numbers 251.

Report of Captain M. H. Dixon, Third Confederate Infantry, commanding Third and Fifth Confederate Infantry.

December 2, 1863.

SIR: From a position behind what I learned to be Taylor's Ridge, covering the road and railroad bridge, the regiment advanced in