Today in History:

79 Series I Volume XXVII-III Serial 45 - Gettysburg Campaign Part III


inspector-general of the army, through proper channels. the name and rank of every officer having such soldier in his service, with the name of the regiment and company of the soldier so employed. The inspector-general will send duplicates of such reports to the Paymaster-General and Second Auditor of the Treasury, and report the facts to the commanding general.

II. The intervals between active operations should be used by every officer and soldier anxious to improve and advance himself and the success of our common cause, as opportunities for instruction and improvement in drill and discipline. All officers are expected to maintain a high state of drill, discipline, and efficiency within their respective commands, and when corps commanders are not heartily and thoroughly supported by division, brigade, and regimental commanders, on proper recommendation, such officers will be relieved from duty with this army. Drills by brigades, divisions, and corps will be had in each command; by brigade at least twice, by division once a week; notice of time and place will be given to the assistant adjutant-general at these headquarters, that they may be witnessed by the general commanding or such officers as may be detailed for that purpose; reports of all movements executed and the manner of execution will be forwarded to the inspector-general; these among others will comprise movements in lines of battalions in mass, masses on echelon, columns in mass covered by full and thin deployed lines, moving masses through woods and thickets, over ravines and obstacles.

III. This order will be read at the head of each company, battery, and detachment in this army. By command of Major-General Hooker:


Assistant Adjutant-General.



In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of the said Commonwealth.


Information has been obtained by the War Department that a large rebel force, composed cavalry, artillery, and mounted infantry, has been prepared for the purpose of making a raid into Pennsylvania. The President has, therefore, erected two new departments; one in Eastern Pennsylvania, to be commanded by Major-General Couch, and the other in Western Pennsylvania, commanded by Major-General Brooks. I earnestly invite the attention of the people of Pennsylvania to the general orders issued by these officers on assuming the command of their respective departments. The importance of immediately raising a sufficient force for the defense of the State cannot be overrated. The corps now proposed to be established will give permanent security to our borders. I know too well the gallantry and patriotism of the freemen of this Commonwealth to think it necessary to do more than commend this measure to the people, and