Today in History:

554 Series I Volume XXVIII-II Serial 47 - Ft. Sumter - Ft. Wagner Part II

Page 554 S. C. AND GA. COASTS, AND IN MID. AND E. FLA. Chapter XL.

labor with be required for the construction of the works, which will be obtained as promptly as possible under the authority you have already given for the impressment of negroes. I will not here enter into a discussion of the defenses of Columbus, as I propose to render a more detailed report on the subject.

I inclose a statement of the troops available for the defense of Columbus, from which you will perceive the entire dependence is upon State troops and organizations for home defense, consisting in part of workmen employed in the Government shops. A part of the available force is armed, but a larger proportion is not.

The post commander is Captain J. S. Smith, who appears to be an intelligent and meritorious young officer. But it is to be feared difficulties will arise in the service there, on account of his want of rank. He expressed the opinion that the State troops might possibly raise objections to serving under him. It becomes a question, then, for consideration whether an officer of more experience and higher grade should not be sent to command the post.

Perhaps some officer who has had experience in the field and partially disabled by wound or hard service could be had for the command. If possible, this change should be made. The accompanying statement will give you the strength of the troops on which the defense of the place most depend.

I am, general, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General, and Second in Command.


Tabular statement of forces at Columbus, Ga.

Command. Effecti Whole Armed. Unarme Remarks.

ve strengt d.

force. h.

Major 250 350 350 .... On duty in

Howard's Columbus,

battalio guarding

n Government shops

and works.

Lieutena 350 350 160 190 Local exempts.

nt- Not on duty.

Colonel Drilling once or

Thompson twice a week.




Naval 150 150 150 ... Employes in naval

Battalio workshops.

n, Drilled once or

Captain twice a week.



Vigilanc 50 50 50 ... Local exempts.

e Fire Drilled once or

Company, twice a week.



Regiment 400 400 ... 400 Not as yet called

State together.





Captain 50 50 50 ... Local exempts.

Chapman' Drilled once or

s twice a week.


Ordnance 150 150 ... 150 Employes in

Battalio ordnance shops.

n, Major Drilled.


Captain ... ... ... ... Local exempts,

Latham's armed with four

light 6-pounders, fully

battery manned and

depending on the

horses of the


Total. 1,400 1,500 760 740

Twenty-five keen of Captain Graybill's company, Company A, Howard's battalion, will mount themselves, if authority be given them,a nd act as guards, pickets, and scouts on the approaches to the place. I respectfully recommend that authority be given them, as there are no mounted troops at this place for such service.


Major-General, and Second in Command.

Page 554 S. C. AND GA. COASTS, AND IN MID. AND E. FLA. Chapter XL.