Today in History:

829 Series I Volume XXXII-II Serial 58 - Forrest's Expedition Part II


and cavalry. They are moving a force along the road from Mechanicsburg to this place. The Legion of my command has been ordered forward to guard the approach on that road. The casualties thus far have been small on our side; several killed and wounded, numbers not yet ascertained.

[Later dispatch.]

6.30 P. M.

The enemy have all gone back down the river, leaving one gun-boat at this point. Their wounded and dead are left in our possession. My men are now picking up their guns and accouterments and bringing in the enemy's wounded. Both negro and white troops were left dead on the field by the enemy, some of them within 20 paces of where my men were in position, dismounted. Prisoners captured report that the expedition intended for Yazoo City, and that they started with twenty day's rations. I don not think that their falling back indicates that they have abandoned the expedition, but have only retired for the night. The gun-boat that passed up this morning is still lying in the bend of the river about 1 mile above Liverpool.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



(Copy for Captain Moorman, assistant adjutant-general.)

HDQRS. TEXAS Brigadier, JACKSON'S CAVALRY DIVISION, February 3, 1864-7.30 p. m.

Captain MOORMAN,
Assistant Adjutant-General:

CAPTAIN: The enemy reported at Mechanicsburg, in Colonel Mabry's front, have retreated toward Vicksburg via Ridge road. I am now in camp at my old encampment, some 4 miles from Liverpool. The boats are still in the river, between Liverpool and Satartia, as mentioned in my last dispatch. My battery (of two pieces) has exhausted all its ammunition, with hte exception of about 30 rounds, which I am reserving for an emergency. Please to hurry forward the other sections belonging to my battery, under command of Lieutenant Johnston, as soon as possible, for the enemy's gun-boats can pass me now without much damage. The transports are afraid to attempt it. Our loss as far as known is about 20 killed and wounded, including Lieutenant Ringgold, Ninth Texas, killed; enemy's much greater.

I am, captain, very respectfully, &c., your obedient servant,



(Forwarded copy to General Loring.)