Today in History:

110 Series I Volume XLVII-II Serial 99 - Columbia Part II

Page 110 OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. Chapter LIX.

Suter to consult with you about this, and to carefully reconnoiter all other positions. As soon as you have decided upon the point, let me have your recommendation at once, so as to be able to decide. I have assigned Brigadier-General Potter to the military command of the District of Beaufort. He will, however, be subject to your orders as long as you are in his vicinity. It is intended to move your division to the Northern District after General Sherman moves, and to operate as hereafter directed. General Schimmelfennig and his force will, while you are there, be under your orders. A portion of Admiral Porter's fleet has already arrived at Charleston bar. Please push the work on the landings at Whale Branch and Mackay's Point; also the arrangements for the intrenched position as soon as selected.

Respectfully, yours,


Major-General, Commanding.


Savannah, Ga., January 21, 1865.

Major-General GROVER,

Commanding U. S. Forces, Savannah:

In accordance with your request I have the honor of submitting the following memoranda with reference to the defense of the city of Savannah:

First. The defense of the city itself: This is accomplished by the line of works now in process of construction after the plan indicated in my letter to Major-General Sherman, dated December 26, 1864. * these works are now ready to receive sixty guns, partly siege and partly field Artillery, and, in my opinion, are in a condition which would warrant their defense by the garrison estimated for. Captain Suter, U. S. Engineers, and Chief engineer, Department of the South, has been furnished with a trace of this line on which the several positions of the guns, composing the complete armament, are indicated. Captain Suter has also been furnished with those maps, captured at this city, which relate to the defense. Opposite the city on the main Carolina shore two small works should be built to command the Union Causeway and the Huger Causeway.

The above contemplates an attack by a much larger force than the garrison, and, in my opinion, will never be made.

Second. The defense of the approaches: Three main roads lead into the city from inland, viz, the Ogeechee plank road (Darien), the Louisville stage road, the Augusta stage road. The last two join within one mile and a half of the city. The points where the enemy's late lines crossed these roads furnish the best defense. When taken in conjunction with the obstacles formed by opening the sluice gates at high tide the positions are strong. If the bridge across the Ogeechee at King's is destroyed it effectually cuts off direct approach by that road, and it can only be reached by crossing the river above and getting to it be some of the numerous cross-roads. An enemy would not be likely to do this unless he were in largely, superior force, since he would necessarily put himself in a "pocket. "

Third. The defense of the river navigation: This is best accomplished by a force stationed at this city large enough to go out and fight


*See Vol. XLIV, p. 811.


Page 110 OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. Chapter LIX.