Today in History:

10 Series I Volume XLVII-II Serial 99 - Columbia Part II

Page 10 Chapter LIX. OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA.

row. The infantry will be moved first by boats furnished by the Navy, with such horses as belong to the field and staff. The mounted infan. try, artillery, and transportatiou will follow by vessels furnished by the quartermasters department, or remain to go by land. Three days rations in haversacks will be taken, if so mnch can be obtained. The pioneer corps and details from your command at work oim the fortifica- tions will be relieved. The major-general commanding desires that you send one of your pioneer corps or a suitable detail to Thunderbolt to at once prepare a wharf or place of embarkation. About 4,000 men can be transported a (lay. You can commence with the division nearest to Thnnderbolt and continne on until the whole of your infantry is taken. Respectfully, SAML. L. TAGGART, Assistant Adjutant- General. HEADQUARTERS SEVENTEENTH ARMY CORPS, DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, Savannah Ga J Brig. Gen. M. i~. LEGGETT, , ., anuary 2, 1865. Commanding Third Division GENERAL: 1 am directed by the major-general commanding to say to you in forwarding the inclosed letter from department headquar- ters,~ that your command will embark next after the First Division, and that you will embark from Thnnderbolt. Yoa will move on the 4th instart, and in making your preparations will give as little public- ity to it as possible. Very respectfully, C. CADLE, JR., Assistant Adjutant- General. IIDQRS. MILITARY DiVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, Savannah J General J. W. GEARY, , anuary 2, 1865. Commanding, & c.: GENERAL: The general-in-chief directs that hereafter no passes for going outside our lines be given, If any persons desii-e to go out, and you should deem it proper to let them, pass them to the pickets by a guard. None can go out and retuin. if any go they must remain out. I am, general, with respect, L. M. DAYTON, Aide-de- Camp. HEADQUARTERS CAVALRY DIVISION, Near Sarannah Ga Ja Captain DAYTON, , ., nuary 2, 1865. Aidede Camp to the General-in- Chief: CAPTAIN: I have found corn just the other side of Taylors Creek in great abundance. Had a slight skirmish with some of Wheelers cavalry this morning. A large number of may wagons have just retn rued loaded down with forage and sweet potatoes. Shall send out heavy train in the morning. Can make the trip in two days. First See Taggart to Blair, next, ante.

Page 10 Chapter LIX. OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA.