Today in History:

11 Series I Volume XXIX-II Serial 49 - Bristoe, Mine Run Part II



August 7, 1863-11. 45 a. m.

Major-General SCHENCK,

Baltimore, Md.:

General Lockwood has only about 300 cavalry under his command. If more troops are required to guard prisoners of war, they must be taken from Baltimore and the railroad guard. Additional troops cannot at present be sent to your department.




Washington City, August 7, 1863

Major General GEORGE G. MEADE.

Commanding Army of the Potomac:

GENERAL: Great difficulty has been experienced in the regulation of the subject of the transmit of sutlers' merchandise to the Army of the Potomac. These stores cannot be permitted to encumber the railroads; and by being transported over the other lines of communication from here to the army, where there is no safety from their capture by guerrillas, opportunity is afforded for collusion with them for the seizure of such goods, or where there is a real capture, the merchandise is so much aid to the rebels. In either case, the capture may be made the foundation of heavy claims for indemnification hereafter.

The Secretary of War desires me to present for your consideration the following suggestions upon the subject, with the view to the determination of some proper system in the premises:

It is proposed that all sutlers present to you, before coming for or sending for goods, a manifest, in which shall be set forth the goods which they desire to bring to the army. In acting upon these manifests, you are to take into consideration the question of the probable safety of the routes to the rear, so that there will be little risk of the goods falling into the hands of the enemy, as well as how far the character and quantity of merchandise sought to be introduced is just and proper. If you approve the manifests, the goods may be purchased, and upon their presentation at the office of the Quartermaster-General, the necessary permits may be given thereupon for their passage to the army, provided there be no objection found to the same. A certificate of sutlership will be required to accompany the manifest of the sutler upon its presentation at the office of the Quartermaster-General.

It is to be distinctly understood that no permits will be granted by the Quartermaster-General for the transportation of sutlers' stores upon the railroads, or other government means of conveyance. All sutler's goods, not covered with passes as herein provided, will be liable to immediate confiscation by any commanding officer or provost-marshal, if sought to be introduced into the army.

No permits will be given to sutler's agents unless they present the sutler's certificate of office, accompanied by written evidence of agency; nor will any certificates be issued except the sutler elected under the law be citizen of the United States.