Today in History:

45 Series I Volume XXII-I Serial 32 - Little Rock Part I


which was covered with scattered timber and but little underbrush. The nature of the ground was such that I could not use my artillery to any advantage, and the mountain could be taken in no other way except be storm. I accordingly ordered up the Second Kansas and dismounted them. They charged up the steep acclivity in the advance, under the command of Capts. S. J. Crawford and A. P. Russell, Major [J. G.] Fisk having been wounded by a piece of shell early in the day. Next followed the Third Indian Regiment (Cherokee), under the command of Colonel [W. A.] Phillips, and its other field officers, Lieutenant-Colonel Downing and Major [J. A.] Foreman, voluntarily assisted by Major Van Antwerp, of my staff, and the Eleventh Kansas, under the command of its field officers, Colonel [Thomas[] Ewing, [jr.,] Lieutenant-Colonel [Thomas] Moonlight, and Major [P. B.] Plumb. The resistance of the rebels was stubborn and determined. The storm of lead and iron hail that came down the side of the mountain, both from their small-arms and artillery, was terrific; yet most of it went over our heads without doing us much damage. The regiments just named, with a wild shout rushed up the steep acclivity, contesting every inch of ground, and steadily pushing the enemy before them, until the crest was reached, when the rebels again fled in disorder. Four howitzers and Rabb's battery were now brought up the mountain and the pursuit renewed; the Third Indian and Eleventh Kansas Regiment, on the right and left of the road, advancing in line through the woods, while the four howitzers occupied the road in front, with the Second and Sixth Kansas and Rabb's battery in their rear. About every half mile the enemy made a stand, when the four howitzers and the Eleventh Kansas and Third Indian would as often put them to flight, leaving more or less of their dead and wounded behind them. thus the fight continued for some 3 miles, until, on descending partially from the mountain into a valley, the Cove Creek road, leading from Fayetteville to Van Buren, was reached, at the point where it intersects the road from Cane Hill to the last-named place. At this point the enemy again brought his artillery into requisition. It was now near sundown, and darkness must soon put an end to the pursuit. Down the valley, in front of us, the ground appeared adapted to the use of cavalry to good advantage, and I determined to make an effort to capture their artillery, of which they had six pieces. A large force of their best cavalry was acting as rear guard, with a portion of their artillery just in front of them. Waiting for my cavalry to come up, I called for volunteers to make a charge. Three companies of the Sixth Kansas, nearest at hand, responded promptly to the call, and, under command of their three field officers, Colonel [W. R.] Judson, Lieutenant-Colonel [L. R.] Jewell, and Major [W. T.] Campbell, dashed on to the rear of the rebel column, cutting and shooting them down with sabers, carbines, and revolvers. At this point a large body of the enemy were in ambush in front and upon the flanks, where cavalry could not approach, with their battery also masked in front. As soon as the party we were destructive fire, which, for the moment, caused my men to recoil and give back, in spite of my own efforts and those of other officers to rally them; whereas, if they had, after receiving the enemy's fire, passed on 200 or 300 yards, we could have secured, in a moment more, what we so much coveted - the enemy's artillery. Emboldened by their success in defending the defile and checking our advance, they raised a wild yell and advanced toward us. With the aid of Colonel Judson, Major Campbell, and Captains [H. S.] Greeno and [D.] Mefford, I succeeded in rallying the