Today in History:

1052 Series IV Volume III- Serial 129 - Correspondence, Orders, Reports and Returns of the Confederate Authorities from January 1, 1864, to the End


Articles Description Quantity Price

Sugar White Per pound $4. 00


Salt . . . . . . . Per bushel of 7. 50

. . . 50 pounds

Socks Woolen Per Pair 2. 00

Do Cotton do 1. 50

Soap Hard Per pound . 75

Do Soft do . 35

Shoes Army Per pair 15. 00

Shovels Long handled Per dozen 80. 00

Spades . . . . . . . do 80. 00

. . .

Sheep Sheared Per head 15. 00

Do Unsheared do 20. 00

Shucks Baled Per hundred 1. 50


Do Unbaled do 1. 25

Tallow . . . . . . . Per pound 1. 30

. . .

Tea Black do 10. 00

Do Green do 15. 00

Vinegar Cider Per gallon 1. 50

Do Manufactured do . 60

Wheat . . . . . . . Per bushel or 5. 50

. . . 60 pounds

What straw Baled Per 1. 00


Do Unabled do . 75

Whisky . . . . . . . Per gallon 3. 50

. . .

Wool Washed Per pound 4. 00

Do Unwashed do 3. 00

Wagons Wooden axles, Each 350. 00


Do Iron axles, 4- do 450. 00


Do Wooden axles, do 250. 00


Do Iron axles, 2- do 350. 00



Quantity Price

Hauling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0. 05

. . . Per cwt. Per mile

Hire of 2-horse team, wagon, and driver:

Rations furnished by owner. . . . . . . . per day 10. 00

Rations furnished by Government. . . do 7. 00

Hire of 4-horse team, gason, and driver:

Rations furnished by owner. . . . . . . . do 12. 50

Rations furnished by Government. . . do 9. 00

Hire of 6-hourse team, wagon, and driver:

Rations furnished by owner. . . . . . . . . do 15. 00

Rations furnished by Government. . . . do 11. 00

Hire of laborer:

Rations furnished by owner. . . . . . . . . . do 2. 00

Rations furnished by Government. . . . . do 1. 50

Do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. 00

. . . . . . . . per month

Rations and clothing furnished by Government. . . . 15. 00


Hire of mechanics for mechanical purposes; rations 30. 00

and clothing furnished by Government,. . . . . . . .

per month

The following enumerated articles to be paid for under the act of Congress regulating manufacturers, to wit: Woolen cloths, drills, flannels, hats, jeans, Osnaburgs, domestic shirting and stripes, sacking and tent cloths, 75 per cent. on the net cost of production.

The undersigned deem it proper to state that the above schedule of prices is adopted in accordance with the maximum schedule of prices agreed upon by the commissioners in convention assembled at Montgomery, Ala., on the 20th day of September (convened by order of the Secretary of War), representing the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, and are the prices at which alone Government agents can, without violation of the law, impress private property; and for the information of all concerned that section of the impressment act which prescribes the pains and penalties incurred by a violation of its provisions is hereto appended:

SEC. XI. That any commissioned or non-commissioned officer, or private, who shall violate the provisions of this act shall be tried before a military court of the corps to which he is attached, on complaint made by the owner or other persons;