Today in History:

45 Series IV Volume I- Serial 127 - Correspondence, Orders, Reports and Returns of the Confederate Authorities, December 20, 1860 – June 30, 1862


Be it further resolved, That the State of Alabama shall be represented in said convention by nine delegates, one to be selected from each Congressional district and two from the State at large, in such manner as shall hereafter be directed and provided for by this convention.

Be it further resolved, That our delegates selected shall be instructed to submit to the general convention the following basis of a settlement of the existing difficulties between the Northern and the Southern States, to wit:

1. A faithful execution of the fugitive slave law and a repeal of all States laws calculated to impair its efficacy.

2. A more stringent and explicit provision for the surrender of criminals charged with offenses against the laws of one State and escaping into another.

3. A guaranty that slavery shall not be abolished in the District of Columbia, or in any other place over which Congress has exclusive jurisdiction.

4. A guaranty that the interstate slave-trade shall not be interfered with.

5. A protection to slavery in the Territories, while they are Territories, and a guaranty that when they ask for admission as States they shall be admitted into the Union with or without slavery as their constitutions may prescribe.

6. The right of transit though free States with slave property.

7. The foregoing clauses to be irrepealable by amendments to the Constitution. Be it further resolved, That the basis of settlement prescribed in the foregoing resolution shall not be regarded by our delegates as absolute and unalterable, but as an indication of the opinion of this convention, to which they are expected to conform as nearly as may be, holding themselves, however, at liberty to accept any better plan of adjustment which may be insisted upon by a majority of the slave-holding States.

Be it further resolved, That if the foregoing proposition for a conference is refused or rejected by any or all of the States to which it is addressed, Alabama, in that event, will hold herself at liberty, alone or in conjunction with such States as may agree to unite with her, to adopt such plan of resistance and mature such measures as in her judgment may seem best calculated to maintain the honor and secure the rights of her citizens; and in the meantime we will resist by all means at our command any attempt on the part of the General Government to coerce a seceding State.

Be it further resolved, That the president of this convention be instructed to transmit copies of the foregoing preamble and resolutions to the Governors of each of the States therein named.

And also the following resolution from the same:

Be it resolved by the people of Alabama in convention assembled, That an ordinance of secession from the United States is an act of such great importance, involving consequences so vitally affecting the lives, liberty, and property of the citizens of the seceding State, as well as of the States by which it is surrounded and with which it has heretofore been united, that in our opinion it should never be attempted until after the most thorough investigation and discussion, and then only after a full and free ratification at the polls by a direct vote of the people, at an election held under the forms and safeguards of the law in which that single issue, untrammeled and undisguised in any manner whatever, should alone be submitted.

Mr. Clemens moved that the preamble and first series of resolutions be taken up and substituted for the ordinance.

They ayes and noes were demanded.

The yeas and nays were then called on the motion of Mr. Clemens, and it was lost. Yeas 45, nays 54.

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Mr. Clemens offered the following amendment:

Provided, however, That this ordinance shall not go into effect untf Marcy, 1861, and not then unless the same shall have been ratified and confirmed be a direct vote of the people.

The yeas and nays were taken on the amendment, and were-yeas 45, nays 54; and the amendment was lost

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