Today in History:

49 Series I Volume IX- Serial 9 - Roanoke


Abstract from return of the Department of the Peninsula, Major General John B. Magruder, commanding, for February, 1862.

Present for duty. Pieces of artillery.

Commands. Offic Men. Aggreg Aggreg Heav Fiel

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Yorktown... 158 2,498 3,578 4,553 45 14

Wynn's Mill. 58 . 1,410 1,692 . .

Young's Mill. 64 1,016 1,254 1,579 4 29

Lee's Mill. 27 461 615 683 . .

Harrod's Mill. 33 607 789 866 . .

Fort Grafton. 33 313 482 665 4 .

Camp Dudley. 37 623 895 1,018 . .

Ship Point. 37 686 856 997 . .

Gloucester Point 116 1,089 1,561 2,175 18 4

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Williamsburg. 22 160 231 404 . .

Jamestown. 4 76 90 105 . .

Jamestown Island. 7 147 169 184 15 4

Mulberry Point. 2 65 78 83 . .

Camp Marion. 37 692 886 1,000 . 4

Warwick court- 32 363 543 705 . .


Land's End. 36 555 648 704 . 4

Deep Creek. 25 431 595 711 . .

Wall's Farm. 23 616 762 945 . .

Spratley's Farm. 19 328 458 532 . .

Total. 770 11,580 15,900 19,601 86 59

HEADQUARTERS, Lee's, March 1, 1862.

General S. COOPER,
Adjutant and Inspector General:

SIR: I received your letter* directing me so to arrange my forces as to sent re-enforcements, when I received orders, to Suffolk. You do not state what re-enforcements you intend to send; hence it is impossible to know what arrangements to make. I immediately, however, gave preliminary orders. I can send but one regiment and one field battery, and that with great risk here. The reason why I cannot do more is that, notwithstanding all my efforts to procure negroes, I have received but 11 from the counties in my district, the presiding magistrate referring the call in some cases to the district attorney, who decides that it is illegal, and in other cases no response is made. Two months fully have already been lost in consequence of the War Department disapproving of my arrangements and countermanding my orders.

I fear that it will be a fortnight before the evil following from these cause will have ceased, if ever. The people have got an idea that the influence of the Government will be cast against my efforts. Whilst I was in Richmond 135 slaves from the country of Greenville were discharged, I am informed, by order of the Secretary of War, and without my knowledge. I had expected to have employed these negroes and others-some 800 ready in Henry-in fortifying the second line of my position whilst my troops were occupying and fortifying the front line, where I prefer to fight, but may be forced to leave, as the flanks may


* Not found, but Special Orders, No. 45, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office February 25, p. 44.

