Today in History:

33 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek


but took position again about one mile south of the first and in the road, opening a brisk fire from their batteries upon our front ranks at a distance of some three or four hundred yards, which was promptly returned by Colonel Weightman's battery. Colonel Hughes' command attempted to occupy a woods skirting the enemy, where his small-arms could have been brought to bear upon the enemy, but owing to the deep water in the stream failed i his effort until the enemy had again retired in the direction of Carthage, being closely pursued by Colonel Hughes' command.

In the town of Carthage the enemy took his next position, taking shelter in an behind houses, walls, and fences. This stand of the enemy was an obstinate one, dealing shot and shell freely from their batteries into our ranks. Colonel Hughes' command, under his direction, and that of Lieutenant-Colonel Prichard and Major Thornton, was brought in close proximity to the enemy's lines, when a deadly fire was from his position in town, being hotly pursued by Colonel Hughes' command, a constant fire being kept up. The enemy again planted his batteries on the heights one mile east of town, and succeeded in a large degree in protecting the hasty retreat of his shattered and disorganized column. Colonel Hughes' command was pushed forward under shelter of a skirt of woods, and was again brought in very close proximity in of a skirt of woods, and was again brought in very close proximity in the rear of the enemy's retreating forces, and again opened a destructive fire upon their lines the enemy still continuing to retire in rapid haste.

By this time nightfall had set in, and, owing ot the exhausted condition of Colonel Hughes' command, they were called from the field. A portion of Colonel Rives' cavalry, in command of Captain McNeil, continued in pursuit of the enemy, continuing to annoy their flank and rear until it was entirely dark, and capturing a portion of their baggage, when the chase of the enemy was entirely abandoned. During the whole of the enemy's retreat his flank was successively annoyed by Colonel Rives' command.

In these several engagements the losses in my command were as follows: In Colonel Rives' regiment 2 were killed on the field, 2 mortally wounded, and 1 missing, supposed to be a prisoner; in Colonel Hughes' command 2 were mortally wounded, 4 were severely wounded, and 2 slightly wounded.

I have the gratification to report that all the commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers and privates in my command during the several engagements on the 5th displayed all the energy and endurance of veterans, giving abundant evidence that they can be relied on in any emergency.

Colonel Rives' separate report, herewith submitted, will show more particularly the operations of his regiment on that occasion. The undersigned, being employed the whole day with Colonel Hughes' command, reports the conduct of that branch of the army from his own personal observation. My command captured on that occasion 8 prisoners, and 2 baggage wagons loaded with tents and other quartermaster's stores. Valuable service was rendered me that day on the field by me entire staff.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Brigadier-General, Fourth Division Mo. S. G.

Major General S. PRICE,

Commander-in-Chief Missouri State Guard.