Today in History:

57 Series I Volume II- Serial 2 - First Manassas


batteries at Aquia Creek, and that the steamer Pawnee only has been lying off at that point, repairing damages, and in communication with various steamers and other vessels passing up and down the Potomac. It has just been reported to me, however, that after I left the creek yesterday, and at about 9 o'clock at night, two or more war steamers, with a vessel in tow, came down the Potomac and joined the Pawnee. Thus far I have no report of the renewal of the attack this morning. It is my intention to throw the Arkansas regiment, Colonel Fagan's, now at Camp Jackson, upon the Potomac coast, near Chopowamsic, as soon as it is in condition to do so.

I am, much in want of an effective battery of 24-pounder howitzers for service, in conjunction with that force, to prevent the enemy from landing. The Fredericksburg Artillery, of 6-pounders, will be wanted at Aquia Creek taro prevent landing there, if an attack is made. The movements of the enemy indicate that an attempt will soon be made in force to land at, or in the vicinity of, Mathias Point in a brief period of time. I respectfully recommend that point be covered by a good regiments of infantry, with a good battery of field-guns, until measures are taken to establish a good and sufficient battery at that point to command the channel, for the establishment of which I respectfully renew my former recommendation. Under authority give me, I have fabricated here carriages for a battery of 6-pounder guns, and respectfully request that guns may be furnished me without delay for use in the field.

Since it has become impracticable to establish a battery at the White House to command the Potomac, I respectfully recommend that a competent engineer be sent me to examine the vicinity of Evansport with that view, and, if found suitable, that a battery may be established there with as little delay as is practicable. That point is important in connection with the position at Mannassas Junction, as well as the avenues of approach from the Potomac to this town.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Provisional Army, Commanding Forces.

Colonel R. S. GARNETT, Adjutant-General Virginia Forces.

Report of Colonel William B. Bate, commanding Walker Lagion.


DEAR SIR: I suppose you have heard all the particulars of the Aquia Creek fight and the part borne by the Walker Legion. One company of it was in one of the batteries, and the celebrated rifled cannon, so effective upon the enemy, was managed by one of our young lieutenants. The remainder of the regiment was held in reserve, though within range of their guns, at a point of concealment, to prevent a landing if such was attempt. The boys were too eager, and courted a hand to-hand fight. I made a report to Colonel Ruggles, and forbear further trespass now. I want the Walker Legion to be in the column which advances upon Washington. I believe we will have skirmishes here now-nothing more. We will sink their ships on another effort if they come in range. I had Walker's rifle battery under my command placed with two rifle companies to sustain, and one company of mounted men