Today in History:

Goldsborough Bridge

Battle Name: Goldsborough Bridge
Other Names: None
State: North Carolina
Location: Wayne County
Campaign: Goldsborough Expedition (December 1862)
Dates: December 17, 1862
Principal Commanders: Brig. Gen. John G. Foster [US]; Brig. Gen. Thomas Clingman [CS]
Forces Engaged: Department of North Carolina, 1st Division [US]; Clingman’s Brigade [CS]
Estimated Casualties: 220 total
Description: On December 17, Foster’s expedition reached the railroad near Everettsville and began destroying the tracks north toward the Goldsborough Bridge. Clingman’s Confederate brigade delayed the advance but was unable to prevent the destruction of the bridge. His mission accomplished, Foster returned to New Berne where he arrived on the 20th.
Results: Union victory

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