Today in History:

510 Series I Volume XXXVI-I Serial 67 - Wilderness-Cold Harbor Part I


May 13.-No fighting or change of position until 3 p.m. Heavy artillery and intrenching tools taken to extreme right. Also Roder, Edgell, Sleeper, and Gilliss, all supported by Birney. Held position.

May 14.-Moved all the batteries across the Ny River, in rear of Sixth Corps, and massed near Harris' house; remained all day. in evening came orders taking batteries from divisions.

May 16.-Lay still all day. Sleeper, Roder, and Edgell with Birney.

May 17.-Moved to Anderson's Mill by concealed road at 4 p.m.; grazed and parked. At 11 p.m. moved back to Harris' house.

May 18.-Moved from Harris' house to the deserted house, and Roder, Ames, and Ricketts to Landrum's. Send Edgell's battery to Colonel Tompkins. Brown, Roder, and Ames, in first line, silenced rebel battery; 12m., still in position. Clark and Ricketts moved down to works on extreme right. Edgell already there with Birney's division. The other six batteries, with trains, &c., moved back to Anderson's house, under command of Major Hazard, who had reported May 17 with Burton's and McKnigh's batteries. Moved with Tyler's division and camped near general headquarters. The other batteries, under charge of chief of artillery, withdrew to the same camp at dark. This day batteries reduced to four guns.

May 19.-Brigade moved down near Anderson's Bridge and camped with rest of corps. At 5 p.m. a battery was sent for to repel attack on our right. Clark's sent very promptly.. Staff officer of General Hunt's came in half an hour for three more batteries. Arnold, Dow, and Sleeper, all under charge of Major Hazard, went up, all the rest were ordered to be ready to move at a moment's notice, and Gilliss and Burton were ordered up and put in reserve in rear of line of battle. At dark all the batteries, except Captain Clark's and McKnight's, withdrew and returned to camp. They remained with Birney's division, under charge of Major Hazard.

May 20.-Order for movement. Two batteries ordered to each division. Order countermanded. Batteries stood in harness all night, and at daylight Clark and McKnight withdrew after Clark had fired half a dozen shots. The enemy having disappeared from their front, batteries were ordered to unhitch and unharness. Order for march at 11 p.m, and train sent to rear, and battery wagons moved. Reserve artillery in rear of Fourth Division, followed by extra caissons and foot artillery.

May 21.-Arrived at Milford at 1 p.m., took position, Tyler left, Gibbon center, Barlow right. No artillery with Tyler. Gilliss and Edgell with Gibbon, Gilliss on right, the other in center of his line. Dow and Sleeper on left, Roder and McKnight in center, and Brown, supported by foot artillery, on right of Barlow's line. Strong intrenchments thrown up by batteries and by the Fourth Artillery, on the right of Brown. Later, Arnold, Ricketts, and Clark with Tyler, on the left.

May 22.-Small reconnaissance accompanied by section of Gilliss' battery. Lay still the rest of the day. Issued rations.

May 23.-Ordered to move at daylight. The reserve (Roder Ames, Sleeper and Edgell, Brown, and McKnight) with Barlow, Gilliss and Burton with Gibbon, Clark and Arnold with Birney, Dow and Ricketts with Tyler. Arrived at 1.30 at North Anna River. The reserve batteries, put in position on the right, supported by Mott's brigade, opened fire on rebel battery and silenced it on