Today in History:

824 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 824 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

I have suggested by telegraph that Major-General Jones might re-enforce you. Perhaps the victory General Lee has just won on the Rappahannock may enable the Government to detach from his army.

If I have been correctly informed, an army invading East Tennessee must bring its supplies of all sorts with it, those of the country being entirely exhausted. Would not the best mode of opposing Burnside be to throw in his rear as large a body of cavalry as you can, to endeavor to strike his supply trains, while his progress is retardates much as possible by such opposition as other troops can make in his front, especially on the Cumberland Mountains? Morgan, who is thought to be excellent in such service, can co-operate with your cavalry.

If it is true that East Tennessee cannot support such a body of troops as Burnside's, could not the same cavalry, if he were established in the department, compel him to evacuate it by destroying his trains? He cannot be strong enough to guard so long a route of communication, and at the same time hold that country. Do let me hear from you on these subject.

Most respectfully, your obedient servant,



Near Wartrace, May 8, 1863.

General JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON, Tullahoma:

MY DEAR GENERAL: I heard from Mr. Erwin, who arrived yesterday, that Forrest, in the pursuit of the enemy, was near enough on one occasion to hear Colonel Streight, the Federal commander, exhorting his men to stand up to their work; that his expedition was one of four on the military chess-board, and if it failed that it would materially interfere with the success of the others. This news Mr. Erwin obtained from an intelligent man who was with Forrest, and heard the speech. You may have heard this before, and if you have not it may be of little use, but I thought it well that you should know it.

I learn that Morgan's command is in bad condition and growing worse. I judge from all I hear that he is greatly dissatisfied with being under Wheeler. His conduct, if this be true, cannot be justified, and he has suffered, and will continue to suffer, in public estimation. I dislike to see his usefulness impaired and his reputation sullied by mistaken notions of pride and of duty. Would it not be well for you to send for Morgan and have some talk with him. He likes you and will receive kindly any suggestions you may make to him. I have had no intercourse, direct or indirect, with Morgan, and write only from a since of duty to the public.

[D. W.] Yandell will be with you this afternoon. The bearer takes his horse down for him to return on in the morning.

Hoping soon to see you here, believe me, truly yours,


[P. S.]-Give me any news you may have from Virginia or Mississippi.


Numbers 13.
Tullahoma, Tenn., May 8, 1863.

I. Lieutenant Colonel George William Brent is, at his own request, relieved from the position of adjutant-general of the Army of Tennessee. With

Page 824 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.