Today in History:

602 Series I Volume XXXVIII-V Serial 76 - The Atlanta Campaign Part V


SCHOFIELD'S HEADQUARTERS, August 19, 1864-7 p .m.

General SHERMAN:

The large battery which we struck in the first move is, I believe, about the northeast corner of let 190, where two roads come into the Newman road. From that point the enemy's lines seem to run southeast to the West Point railroad, striking it near Bacon. In the second move we crossed the Newman road at Diggs'. Did not get across Camp Creek, but moved up the Newman road until we developed the enemy in force in their works. Citizens and prisoners say the enemy's lines extend to the railroad, but do not know beyond or not.



HDQRS. MILIARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, near Atlanta, August 19, 1864-8.15 p .m.


I can trace your movement by the map perfectly well. I think it well still to display a force about Digg's until we know what General Kilpatrick is back behind Camp Creek. Have you seen your cavalry during the day? General Stanley moved in force across the railroad about the brick house, and set his men to work enlarging and strengthening his line in that quarter. To produce the proper effect he sent a brigade across to General McPherson's battle-ground, and found the enemy intrenched on that hill, about half a mile out. I have not heard of General Garrard's cavalry, but am satisfied the enemy has been held to his lines to-day, and General Kilpatrick has had a good chance to work. Generals Stanley and Garrard will renew their operations in the morning and all the line will be active until General Kilpatrick is back, of which, I think, you will have the first notice. We have fired the town twice to-day, a heavy fire burning at daylight and about 3 p. m. General Dodge got a bad wipe across the forehead, but the wound is not dangerous. Nothing positive done along our lines, as nothing was attempted, but, although we displayed large force on our flanks, wide apart, I though the enemy would make some demonstration against our center, but nothing of the kind.l Telegraph and railroad at work again. Wheeler is above Cleveland, but I hear nothing of him, save that he did no damage at Cleveland.

Major-General, Commanding.

HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE OHIO, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 19, 1864.

Major-General SHERMAN:

My cavalry has been well forward of my right and in communication with the infantry during the day; also picketing all roads to the right. A rebel cavalryman, captured this morning, says one of Armstrong's brigades was in front of Kilpatrick last night, and another started after him this morning; that there is very little cavalry left on the flank. My cavalry has met nothing but little pickets. I will keep up a show of force about Digg's to-morrow, and I think threaten the railroad with a light force a little more toward Red Oak, which will deter the enemy from sending infantry to trouble Kilpatrick on his return.

