Today in History:

85 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


at 8 o'clock moved them forward in two lines against the enemy's works on the south side and west end of Kenesaw Mountain. They moved forward gallantly, engaging the enemy almost immediately after leaving our line of works. The advance was continued steadily in the face of a destructive fire from three batteries of about twelve pieces, throwing canister and shell, and from a musketry fire from sharpshooters of the enemy, situated below the enemy's first line of rifle-pits, and rifle-pits also. After a most stubborn and destructive resistance they succeeded in taking and holding two lines of the enemy's rifle-pits and advanced toward the succeeding works of the enemy, which were found to be impossible to be carried by assault, on account of a steep declivity of rock twenty or twenty-five feet high, and the nature of the ground, which was of the most rugged and craggy character. Commanding officers state most positively that the position could not be gained in two hours, without any opposing force. After vainly attempting to carry the works for some time, and finding that so many gallant men were being uselessly slain, they were ordered to retire to the last line of works captured, and hold them, which was done. The pioneer corps of the different divisions were ordered up at once and used in strengthening the position already held. Seven commanding officers were killed and wounded in this assault. The position gained by this assault I do not regard as important, except in this, that it reduces the distance to be traversed by the troops before reaching the main line of the enemy's works in the event of another advance being made. Near night-fall the enemy on the right of my line advanced from their works and attacked General Lightburn's column, and, after a short but decisive fight, were gallantly thrown back, losing very many killed and wounded, whom they were unable to removed. After this affair the enemy remained quiet and little firing was heard during the night. I respectfully call your attention to the inclosed report of casualties and report of prisoners captured. The names of killed and wounded will be forwarded soon.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General Vols., Commanding Fifteenth Army Corps.

Lieutenant Colonel WILLIAM T. CLARK,

Asst. Adjt. General, Dept. and Army of the Tennessee.

List of casualties in the Fifteenth Army Corps, Department and Army of the Tennessee, on the 27th day of June, 1864.

Killed. Wounded.

Command. Officers. Men. Officers. Men.

First Division. .... 2 .... 22

Second Division. 6 32 21 271

Fourth Division. 5 37 10 204

Total. 11 71 31 497

Missing. Total.

Command. Officers Men. Officers Men. Aggregate.

First Division. ... 2 .... 26 26

Second Division. ... 13 27 316 343

Fourth Division. ... 4 15 245 260

Total. ... 19 42 587 629

