Today in History:

773 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II


By General WHITE:

Question. Do you remember that it was stated that the difficulty in taking them away was the want of horses, and I told you you must take your guns away with four forces?

Answer. Yes, sir; and I did take my battery away with four horses to the carriage; and also the 20-pounder Parrott guns with four horses to the carriage.


Question. You do not know the amount of ammunition destroyed?

Answer. I do not.

Question. Or the amount of other stores and subsistence?

Answer. I do not. The ammunition for my guns, some of it, was int the magazines, and was taken out, and I supposed it was destroyed, until I got to Harper's Ferry, when I found it there.

Question. At what hour did the evacuation begin?

Answer. It was about dusk when I came up; I think about 6 or 7 o'clock, probably about 7 o'clock, when I received my orders.

Question. There was no notice given before to the force there?

Answer. None whatever that I knew of. I even did not know my destination until I got to Bunder Hill.

Question. You say there were four siege guns destroyed?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Do you think they could have been saved?

Answer. I think not.

Question. Was the evacuation conducted quietly or in a precipitate manner?

Answer. It was very quiet, for I did not know it was an evacuation until some time after I was in column ready to move. I did not know what the import of my orders was to be. There was no noise: everything was conducted with quietness.

Question. Did you see the cars loaded?

Answer. I did not see any of them; I was not in town.

By General WHITE:

Question. Did you haul those siege guns up from the cars?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Did it take several days to do it?

Answer. I think some five days; I think near five days.

Question. In how much less time, if any, could they have been taken back aboard the cars?

Answer. With the arrangements we had there to do it with, I do not think we could take them back in any such time as that. The trucks sent out to take them up by, broke down; were insufficient to haul them.

Question. Did you have any occasion to learn the character of those guns as to efficiency?

Answer. I saw nothing but the tests there.

Question. What did you learn from those tests o the value of the guns?

Answer. I considered them but of small importance for the position.