Today in History:

473 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I


and commissary stores, some arms and other ordnance stores fell into our hands.

Dr. Hunter McGuire, my medical director, managed his department admirably.

Lieutenant Hugh H. Lee, chief of ordnance, rendered valuable assistance in seeing my instructions respecting the manner in which the troops should go into action faithfully carried out. I regret to say that during the action he was so seriously wounded as to render it necessary for him to leave the field.

First Lieutenant A. S. Pendleton, aide-de-camp; First Lieutenant J. K. Boswell, chief engineer, and Second Lieutenant R. K. Meade, assistant chief of ordnance, were actively engaged in transmitting orders.

Previous to the battle the enemy had such complete control of the pass through which our artillery would have to pass, if it continued to advance on the direct road to McDowell, that I determined to postpone the attack until the morning of the 9th. Owing to the action having been brought on by Milroy's advancing to the attack on the 8th, Major R. L. Dabney, assistant adjutant-general, was not with me during the engagement.

Major J. A. Harman, chief quartermaster, and Major W. J. Hawks, chief commissary, had their departments in good condition.

Leaving Lieutenant Colonel J. T. L. Preston, with a detachment of cadets and a small body of cavalry, in charge of the prisoners and public property, the main body of the army, preceded by Captain George Sheetz, with his cavalry, pursued the retreating Federals to the vicinity of Franklin, but succeeded in capturing only a few prisoners and stores along the line of march.

The junction between Banks and Milroy having been prevented, and becoming satisfied of the impracticability of capturing the defeated enemy, owing to the mountains character of the country being favorable for a retreating army to make its escape, I determined, as the enemy had made another stand at Franklin, with a prospect of being soon re-enforced, that I would not attempt to press farther, but return to the open country of the Shenandoah Valley, hoping, through the blessing of Providence, to defeat Banks before he should receive re-enforcements.

On Thursday, the 15th, the army, after divine service, for the purpose of rendering thanks to God for the victory with which He had blessed us and to implore His continued favor, began to retrace its course.

Great praise is due the officers and men for their conduct in action and on the march.

Though Colonel Crutchfield, chief of artillery, did not have an opportunity of bringing his command into action on the 8th, it was used with effect on several occasions during the expedition.

My special thanks are due Major General F. H. Smith for his conduct and patriotic co-operation during the expedition.

Colonel T. H. Williamson, of the Engineers, rendered valuable service.

For further information respecting the engagement and those who distinguished themselves I respectfully refer you to the accompanying reports of brigade and other commanders.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



Brigadier General R. H. CHILTON,

Assistant Adjutant and Inspector-General,

Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia.