Today in History:

313 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I


with wagons and artillery, could pass along the road without interruption, as well as the movements of the enemy was reported to General Sigel. I remained at the same position about half an hour. I saw General Sigel with a part of his army coming before the same position; this was about quarter to 12 in the morning. General Sigel telled me that before he break his camp he sent a report to General McDowell. When I came to General Sigel, when he was below the hill, and wanted to stretch his column to engage the enemy, there came an orderly officer from General McDowell. The orderly came with an order to General Sigel to immediately march on Manassas. General Sigel at the same moment took the same route as he came to march toward Manassas to comply with the order of General McDowell.

As General Sigel has made it a great point that the line of battle which he had formed to go against the enemy was broken up by me, it may be well to call attention here to what that line amounted to.

According to this officer of his own staff, the chief engineer, it amounted to an intention to form a line and that none was formed, General Sigel going back to the south of the railroad by the route he came.

Question by the COURT. Who was the officer who took the message from General Sigel to General McDowell, referred to?

Answer. Assistant Engineer Burchard, formerly assistant engineer, at present first lieutenant and aide-de-camp on General Cluseret's staff.

Question by the COURT. Did you see Lieutenant Burchard start to go to General McDowell?

Answer. No; now while I was on the hill, but Lieutenant Burchard came back again and informed me while I was there.

Question by the COURT. From that hill could you see Manassas Junction?

Answer. No; it was too far to the left.

Question by the COURT. Could you see Centreville from the hill-top?

Answer. Yes.

Question by the COURT. Did you see any other positions of the enemy than what you have described?

Answer. None but what I have stated. It was not everywhere that I could see, on account of little woods.

Question by the COURT. Could you see General McDowell's corps?

Answer. Not on the 28th; there were woods in the rear of me. It was everywhere woods, but in that particular place open fields.

Question by General McDOWELL. How far was the enemy from you on the hill?

Answer. My impression is about a strong half mile.

Question by General McDOWELL. How long was the enemy's column?

Answer. One hundred and twenty yards. It might have been more, for they were already turning upon the turnpike, and I could not see all.

Question by General McDOWELL. How long were they in sight?

Answer. About five minutes; then I lost sight of them as they were turning the road. Whether there was one regiment or three regiments I cannot tell. They might have been going forward a long time and this may have been their rear.

Question by the COURT. The witness has said there might have been one regiment. Why did he previously say there were three regiments?

Answer. When I have seen the troops march (so I have observed for 120 yards), whether they have marched by fours or sixes I could not judge. I have states they were about three regiments, but there might have been but one.

The major began with an army corps, which General Sigel adopts as Jackson's army. We have seen it come to a column of three regiments; then it gets to what may be but one regiment of infantry and 55 cavalry

I will now refer to the testimony of First Lieutenant Burchard, who it is stated was the officer sent to me to acquaint me of this position and force of the enemy.

Question by the COURT. What was your rank and position in the military service of the United States on the 25th of August last?

Answer. I was engineer with General Sigel in the Army of Virginia; had no military rank-no commission at that time.

Question by the COURT. Did you take any information from General Sigel to General McDowell on the 25th of August last?

Answer. No information from General Sigel to General McDowell.

Question by the COURT. Did you make any communication from anybody to General McDowell relating to the position of the enemy?