Today in History:

205 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I


At the instance of a member of the court the recorder read the order from Major-General Pope to Major-General McDowell, dated Headquarters Army of Virginia, Bristoe Station, August 27, 1862-9 o'clock p.m., marked B, and appended to proceedings of thirtieth day.

Question by the COURT. After the order just read to you had Gen-McDowell any discretionary power to send Ricketts' division to Thoroughfare Gap to check the approach of Longstreet?

Answer. At the time that the order in question was written I was satisfied that we had completely interposed between the forces under Jackson and the main body of the enemy yet to the westward of the Bull Run Range. The order directing General McDowell's march would have carried him to the eastward, and in the same direction in which the main body of the enemy was marching to join Jackson. I believed then, and believe now, that we were sufficiently in advance of Longstreet, who was supposed to lead the main body of the enemy, that by using our whole force vigorously we should be able to crush Jackson completely before Longstreet by any possibility could have reached the scene of action. I sent to nothing to General McDowell concerning Thoroughfare Gap, and regretted afterward that any portion of his forces had been detached in that direction. General McDowell had the discretion, however, necessarily incident to his position and to his distance from me, to make such a disposition to cover his rear as he might consider necessary. From the order of General McDowell, which he showed me afterward (the order Numbers 10.) I understood that the movement of Ricketts' division was made conditionally and in view of the possibility of an attack upon his rear from the direction of Thoroughfare Gap.

Question by the COURT. Are you familiar with the country near Hay Market, Gainesville, Groveton, and the Warrenton pike to the bridge across Bull Run?

Answer. I am familiar with the country near Groveton and eastward along the Warrenton turnpike to Bull Run. To the west and south of Groveton I have not been, and only know of the country from the accounts of others.

Question by the COURT. Did you or did you not rely on General McDowell for information as to any indications of the presence of the enemy in the neighborhood of the Warrenton pike and Gainesville on the assumption that the forces under Jackson should move in that direction to effect a junction with Longstreet?

Answer. I did not assume that the forces under Jackson would attempt to rejoin the main body, by Gainesville, knowing, as Jackson must have known, that he would encounter in attempting to pursue this route a force of our army considerably superior to his own, but from General McDowell, as from every other commander of a corps or a division of that army, I expected to receive all information of the enemy that could be obtained.

Question by the COURT. Did you during the 28th, receive information that the enemy had attacked the column of General McDowell with two pieces of artillery from the direction of Groveton as General McDowell was moving from the field toward Manassas?

Answer. I did not.

Question by the COURT. Have you knowledge of any facts or circumstances either arising from the topography of the country, the orders to General McDowell, or his discretionary power, to authorize a movement of his troops by a flank along the same route across the country to Bethlehem Church from a point on the Warrenton pike about a mile east of Gainesville?

Answer. I had not.

Question by the COURT. What orders or occasion had he to move any of his troops to Bethlehem Church on the 28th?

Answer. The only order that General McDowell had from me till the afternoon of the 28th was the order of the night of the 27th August. I know nothing of circumstances which controlled the details of his movements during the morning of the 28th