Today in History:

453 Series I Volume XIV- Serial 20 - Secessionville


laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions, approved February 28, 1795, and the acts amendatory thereof, and for other purposes," Colonel Edwin Metcalf, Third Rhode Island Artillery, is hereby announced as chief of artillery and ordnance of the Tenth Army Corps, and will be respected and obeyed accordingly.

II. Captain John Hamilton, Light Company E, Third U. S. Artillery, is renounced as chief of artillery of the Department of the South, on the staff of the major-general commanding department; and Captain John W. Todd, U. S. Ordnance Corps, is renounced as chief of ordnance of the Department of the South on the staff of the major-general commanding; and both Captain Hamilton, and Captain Todd, in their respective branches of the service, will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

By command of Major General D. Hunter:


Lieutenant Colonel and A. A. G., Tenth A. C. and Dept. of the South.

Abstract from Tri-monthly of the Department of the South, May 10, 1863.

Station. Commanding officer. Enlisted men

for duty.

Folly Island, S. C. Brigadier-General I. 3,852


Seabrook Island, S. C. Brigadier-General 3,071

T. G. Stevenson

Hilton Head, S. C. Brigadier General 3,526

A. H. Terry

Beaufort, S. C. Brigadier General 3,523

R. Saxton

Fort Pulaski, Ga. Colonel W. B. Barton 810

Ossabaw Island, Ga. Major D. A. Allen 403

Fernandina, Fla. Colonel H. S. Putnam 581

Saint Augustine, Colonel Joseph R. 464

Fla. Hawley

Department staff .................... 29

Total .................... 16,259

Hilton Head, Port Royal, S. C., May 11, 1863.

Major General H. W. HALLECK,

General-in-Chief U. S. Army, Washington, D. C:

GENERAL: I have the honor to transmit herewith for your information certified copies of a communication addressed by me to Rear-Admiral S. F. DuPont, proposing a joint demonstration against Savannah while awaiting the repair of the iron-clads for a renewal of the attack upon Charleston, together with Admiral DuPont's reply. I learn unofficially that the last of the iron-clads undergoing repairs will soon be ready to resume her place in the squadron.

So far as the land forces are concerned, having suffered no loss in the late expedition, we have been continuously ready to renew the attack whenever notified by the admiral that his repairs had been completed, and I am of opinion that if the Navy will open on the enemy's batteries on the south end of Morris Island (batteries constructed for the most part since the last attack), thus covering out crossing of Light-House Inlet, Fort Sumter can be reduced from Cummings Point just as Fort Pulaski was reduced from Goat's Point on Tybee Island; the proposition being simplified and made more certain in this instance by