Today in History:

992 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 992 Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN. S. C., GA., AND FLA.

and keep constantly a good camp guard. Keep the men closely in camp, enforce the most rigid discipline, use every effort to prevent depredations upon citizens, have regular daily drills, and see that no forage is wasted, requiring your quartermaster to make proper issues regularly. You will draw your subsistence stores from Robertsville.

Respectfully, Colonel, your obedient servant,


First Lieutenant and Aide-de-Camp.

HEADQUARTERS LEWIS'S BRIGADE, No. -. Perrysburg, S. C., December 26, 1864.

In obedient to orders from the major-General commanding the command will be in readiness to move this evening to a point near Robertsville.

Commanding officers are specially enjoined to keep their men in column and allow no straggling whatever. Arriving in camp a good and efficient camp guard will be established and the men required to remain closely in camp, enforcing the most rigid discipline. The regular stated roll-calls will be held in the presence of an officer, and all delinquents faithfully reported.

Depredations of any kind whatever are strictly prohibited, and any one caught committing same will be dealt with accordingly. The commissary will supply subsistence, and the quartermaster make regular issued of forage, and no departure from this order be made under any circumstances whatever. The Colonel commanding feels satisfied that all officers and men will faithfully bear him out in the execution of this order when they are informed that the reputation of themselves and their State is now in question.

It is the wish of the major-General commanding to place us off to ourselves, and see for himself whether it is this brigade that is committing all the depredations reported to him through the country or not.

This order will be read to the command when assembled to move.

By order of John W. Caldwell, Colonel commanding brigade;


Assistant Adjutant-General.

Report of effective strength of General Taliaferro's command, &c., for December 26, 1864.

Command. Effective Remarks.


Companies I and K, 3rd South 109 Near

Carolina Cavalry, Captain Pocotaligo.


Companies A and B, Kirk's 105 Depot.

Squadron. Captain Kirk.

Total Major Jenkins' command. . . 214

5th Georgia Regiment, Major 222 One mile and

Hundley. . . a half from


32nd Georgia Regiment, Lieutenant- 272 Do.

Colonel Bacon.

1st Georgia Reserves, Lieutenant- 119 Do.

Colonel Neely

3rd Georgia Reserves, Colonel 397 Coosawhatchi

Moore. . . e.

47th Georgia Regiment, Captain 232 Tullifinny

Thompson. . . works.

Detachment 1st South Carolina 131 Do.

Cavalry, Captain Trezevant.

7th North Carolina Reserves, 130 Do.

Lieutenant-Colonel Hancock.

1st South Carolina Militia, 403 Do.

Lieutenant-Colonel Herndon.

Page 992 Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN. S. C., GA., AND FLA.