Today in History:

624 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 624 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

Numbers -
Near Station Numbers 5 1/2, GA., December 4, 1864.

In accordance with Special Orders, Numbers 298, army corps headquarters, this division will be prepared to move at 9 a. m. to-morrow.

The First Brigade will have the advance. The artillery and trains will move relatively in the same orders as to-day.

Brigadier General W. W. Belknap, commanding Third Brigade, will commence the destruction of the railroad (leaving camp at 6 a. M. to-morrow), commencing at a point two miles east of the present camp of the Third Division, and destroy two miles east from that point.

By order of Brigadier General Giles A. Smith:


First Lieutenant and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

in the Field, Station Numbers 5 1/2, Central Railroad, December 4, 1864 - 3. 15 p. m.

Major-General SLOCUM,

Commanding Left Wing, &c.:

GENERAL: Your note of 10 a. m. has been received. The day has been so good that General Blair has got to the point on our map indicated by the intersection of the main road with that leading through Sylvania, Hunter's Mills, and Paris Academy, viz, four miles west of Halcyondale. He keeps three brigades breaking railroad abreast of him. His advance on arrival here was fired on, but by parties who took good if any opposition is made to us this side of Savannah it will occur near Ogeechee, by Mill Ray, will turn that position. You have nothing to apprehend on your front, but should look to your rear, especially on General Davis' flank, until you get in the neck between Ogeechee Church and Halley's Ferry. I want you to report to me frequently, but in the absence of orders to move your entire wing, with Kilpatrick's cavalry, in the direction of Springfield and Monteith, getting your left flank on the Savannah and Charleston Railroad, about Saint Augustine Creek. General Blair will continue to move along the railroad, and the Fifteenth Corps will continue on the west side of the Ogeechee until abreast of Eden (Numbers 2). We continue to find abundance of forage, and all our animals are in first-rate condition. Nevertheless, I want to impress upon all the importance of filling all empty wagons, as it may be to our interest to act rapidly, without waiting to draw supplies from our new base. If our marching on this flank is too fast for you please notify me, and I will check it, as I am aware you are moving on a large circle. We heard the firing to-day which you report, which, from its rate of fire, I inferred to be from Kilpatrick, who is fond of using artillery. I do not know that I reported to you that at Milled we got a dispatch that Bragg proposes to follows us, with 10,000 men, from Augusta. If we draw him down toward Savannah we can turn on him and send him of at a tangent.

I am, General, &c.,



Page 624 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.