Today in History:

408 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 408 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

I started immediately with my command, overtaking him about midnight. I immediately attacked and captured his picket, and pushed on to his camp, and drove him back from the main August road and out of his camp, capturing I stand of colors, some prisoners, some 50 horses, clothing, blankets, camp equiPAGE, &c., in considerable quantities. The enemy immediately started toward Augusta on the lower Augusta road.

On reaching the house wherrick had staid I learned that he had his officers had been overheard talking a great deal in private about Augusta. It was the opinion of citizens that this move was intended as a raid upon that place. Being mindful of the great damage that could be done by the enemy's burning the valuable mills and property which were not protected by fortifications, including the factories in the vicinity, the large portion of the city outside of the fortifications, the arsenal and sand hills, I hoped by pressing him hard he might be turned from his purpose. I also learned that the night previous he had sent a party of some 500 men to Waynesborough was Kilpatrick's destination, as had the latter place been the point he designated striking he would not have sent a small party there on the preceding day. Notwithstanding the jaded condition of my command, I therefore pushed on rapidly, engaging and defeating his rear guards, whom I found fortified at every favorable point, frequently separated by but 200 or 300 yards. Horses, arms, and prisoners were captured in nearly every engagement.

On reaching Brier Creek Swamp we pressed the enemy so warmly that he turned off toward Waynesborough. During the chase the enemy set fire to all corn cribs, cotton gins, and large number of barns and houses. We succeeded in driving him off in nearly half the instances in time to extinguish the flames, and frequently pressed him so rapidly as to prevent his firing a number of houses, thus saving a large amount of property.

I entered the town of Waynesborough with my staff just after dark, and just as the enemy were leaving it. The town was in flames, but with the assistance of my staff and escort we succeeded in staying the flames and in extinguishing the fire in all but one dwelling, which was so far burned that it was impossible to save it. I immediately moved on and attacked the enemy, who were engaged in tearing up the railroad. The attack had the effect to stop their work upon the railroad and to keep them in line ght.

About 3 a. m. I sent Humes' division to gain the enemy's rear by turning his left flank, and sent a regiment to gain his rear by moving around his right. Unfortunately the commands failed to get into position. At daylight the enemy withdrew for a short distance unobserved, in consequence of a dense fog. As we advanced upon them they charged our line, which charge we met and easily repulsed. I charged the enemy's flank with Humes' and Anderson's commands, and attacked the front with the balance of my command, driving the enemy from his fortified position, capturing a number of prisoners, arms, and horses, and killing a great many who refused to surrender, and who were shot in the pursuit which ensued. The rout was complete, and General Kilpatrick was himself very nearly captured. We continued the charge until reaching a swamp, where the enemy had so constructed barricades as to make a very strong resistance. The enemy was soon driven from this position by a flank movement, after which I again charged and routed their entire force, capturing, killing, and wounding nearly 200, and completely stampeding the whole force. His destruction

Page 408 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.