Today in History:

205 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah


number of drafted and saddle animals captured was about 597. Some of them were used to replace those in our trains already worn out; others were worthless, and my quartermaster has still about 400 head to turn over.

Negroes to the number of about 668 joined or followed our column on the march, and have since our arrival here either been employed or turned over to the provost-marshal. A large number was probably with the column on near it at certain times, but as no notice was taken of any of them and no restraint exercised over those simply passing along the road, many doubtless disappeared without any account being had of them.

The division captured 16 prisoners, and its loss in action was 8 me wounded, 3 of whom afterward died. The list of casualties by name is appended.

In closing this report I have again to commend to the notice of my superior commanders the ability and meritorious services of Colonel George P. Este, Fourteenth Ohio; Colonel Morton C. Hunter, Eighty-second Indiana, and Colonel N. Gleason, Eighty-seventh Indiana, who commanded my three brigades, and to ask fro their promotion, at least by brevet, to the rank of brigadier-General. I have also to request that Colonel B. D. Fearing, Ninety-second Ohio Volunteers, an officer of surpassing merit and the only other full colonel who made the campaign with the division, may be promoted to the same grade.

To my staff officers I am again deeply indebted, and I beg to renew the recommendations which I have heretofore given for their promotion.

I am, sir, very respectfully,


Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.

Lieutenant Colonel A. C. McCLURG,

Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourteenth Army Corps.

Numbers 76. Report of Lieutenant Joseph R. Channel, Battery C, First Illinois Light Artillery. HEADQUARTERS BATTERY C, FIRST Illinois ARTILLERY, Near Savannah, Ga., December 30 1864/

CAPTAIN: In obedience to circular received I have the honor to submit the following report:

While in camp near Atlanta, Ga., I received orders, on the 2nd of October, to prepare to march next morning with thirteen days' rations and three days' forage, and to report to Brigadier-General Carlin, commanding First Division. I joined the division as directed, and marched with it throughout the entire campaign north of Atlanta, returning to that point on the 15th of November, 1864. During the campaign I drew about sixteen days' full rations and fifteen days' forage; the remainder of the forage and subsistence I obtained from the country along the line of march. After remaining in Atlanta, Ga., one night I again joined the First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps (in obedience to orders), with three days' rations and three days' forage, and marched with it to a point near Savannah, Ga., where I took up