Today in History:

162 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 162 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

Lieutenant Zachariah Jones, aide-de-camp; Lieutenant Horace A. Hall, aide-de-camp, and Lieutenant Henry Torrence, acting assistant quartermaster, deserve credit for their energy and promptness.

In conclusion, I would state that great credit is due to officers and men of the regiment for the matter in which they conducted themselves throughout the entire campaign. Although many times, after a hard day's march, they have had bridges to build or roads to repair, they were always on hand. Praise is likewise due my officers and men for the good discipline retained throughout the entire march. For the particulars of the operations of Colonel Moore's detachment I refer you to his report, herein inclosed. *

Recapitulation: Corduroyed, 2,000 yards; pontoon bridge by day, 690 feet; trestle bridge by day, 260 feet; trestle bridge by night, 1,030 feet; fascines made, 700; mules, 600; men, 900.

I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, Commanding.

Lieutenant Colonel H. C. RODGERS,

Assistant Adjutant-General, Left Wing, Army of Georgia.

Numbers 51. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Moore, Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry, commanding section of Pontoon Train. HDQRS. FIFTY-EIGHTH INDIANA VOLUNTEERS (PONTONIERS), Savannah, Ga., January 6, 1865.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the amount of bridging done by that portion of the Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteers under my command during the late campaign from Atlanta, Ga., to this point:

My command consisted of four companies of the Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteers, effective force 220 men exclusive of teamsters, and a train of forty-one wagons, including baggage and supply train, and hauled about 440 feet of pontoon bridge. November 15, at 7 a. m., in accordance with orders received, I moved my train out on the Decatur road, reporting to Brigadier-General Williams, commanding Twentieth Army Corps. I remained with this corps during the campaign. I had no bridging to do until we reached Little River, twelve miles north of Milledgeville. November 20, we put a pontoon bridge across Little River of ten boats, making 220 feet of bridge during the night of the 20th of November. November 24, we put a pontoon bridge across the channel of Buffalo Creek. This bridge took three boats, and was eighty feet in length. I also repaired five bridges at this point by repairing the trestles that had been burned off, and using balk and chess for covering. These bridges were 360 feet in length. I also repaired two bridges at the same flat or swamp, 120 feet in length, using timber procured from the woods, making the whole length of bringing at this point 560 feet. November 28, we reached Ogeechee River about 1 p. m. and found the bridge across the river burned, and seven others across the swamp, which was near three-quarters of a mile in width. I put a pontoon bridge across the river, using five boats and making 110 feet of bridge. I also set my men at work and cut a


*See next, post.


Page 162 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.