Today in History:

137 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah


on the march, threw up works. December 9, left camp at 9 a. M., crossed the camp, and proceeded in the direction of the Coast Railroad. At 10 a. M. the regiment was formed in line of battle; two companies, commanded by Major Mahon, were deployed as skirmishers and moved obliquely to the right and front. The regiment moved by the right flank on the double-quick till it reached a road leading from the river; then proceeded up said road, but before arriving at the place of action the enemy had fled, leaving a disabled 10-pounder Blakely rifle gun. Camped at 2 p. M. and threw up works. December 10, marched at 9 a. M., and after proceeding a short distance found that the enemy had flooded the country by letting the water out of the canal, which the men were obliged to wade for some distance; but the obstruction was slight, and we soon reached the Little Ogeechee River. The regiment was ordered into line of battle, and moved forward through a heavy-timbered, dense swamp until I came in sight of the rebel works on the opposite side of the Little Ogeechee. In the afternoon I moved the regiment, under orders, about 100 paces to the rear and camped for the night. December 11, moved to the rear and encamped on Anderson's plantation, where we remained encamped until the 21st, keeping up all the time a lively skirmish on the picket-line. On the night of the 19th my regiment was ordered to effect a crossing of the Little Ogeechee. I marched the regiment to the vicinity of the river, Company A being detailed to carry boards for the purpose of crossing sloughs, and Company B was detailed to carry a boat for the purpose of crossing a detachment to reconnoiter the opposite bank. Major Mahon, with four picked men, crossed the river, and from his reconnaissance it was found to be impossible to cross the regiment on account of swamps and morasses on the opposite bank. At 12 midnight the regiment was ordered back to camp. December 20, was quiet all day. December 21, reports were in circulation at an early hour that the enemy had abandoned his stronghold on the Little Ogeechee. The brigade was ordered to move to the front, and at 2 p. M. entered the city of Savannah without firing a gun, the enemy having made a hasty retreat.

During the march my regiment captured 24 horses and mules, 8 of which were turned over to Captain Rattary, acting assistant inspector-General, Fourth Division, at the crossing of the Oconee River. The remaining 16 were turned over to Lieutenant Martin, acting assistant quartermaster, First Brigade. Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, at Anderson's plantation. My regiment also captured a number of cattle, hogs, &c., and unearthed many bushels of sweet potatoes, all of which were properly disposed of.

My whole casualties on the march were there men wounded, as follows: Job A. Clark, Company B, slight, December 7; Oliver Kneudsen, Company C, slight, December 7; Alexander Krieger, Company D, severely, December 11. Three men are missing since leaving Rome, but whether they are deserters or were captured by the enemy I am unable to say.

My regiment to-day in fine condition, there being but eight men sick.

I have the honor to be, lieutenant, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding.

Lieutenant H. J. SMITH,

Aide-de-Camp, First Brigadier, Fourth Div., fifteenth Army Corps.